
What Kind Of Hamster Should I Get?

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i like small hamsters that are rather docile so i can handle them without a prob. oh and i would like one that is energetic so it can run in its little ball!




  1. Well, dwarf hamsters are really small, and social, but they will bite if you don't handle them correctly. They eventually will warm up to you but they are somewhat active. Syrian Hamsters are the size of a normal hamster though but they aren't social with other hamsters. Only get one syrian hamster. You could get two dwarves, but it has to be the same s*x, unless you want like 15 babies to take care of.

  2. Those three traits are hard to find in a single hamsters: Syrians are docile, but tend to be larger and less energetic(they will still run in his ball though)

    Robos are small and energetic, but are rather harder to handle they won't bite, but are fast so they are not esy to hold onto.

    Campbells or winter whites: are small, can be docile, and are usually eneegetic. These are probally your best bet.You may need to work at taming them, but will be worth it in the end. If you get them tame then they will be your ideal pet:(taming help:

    I suggest a winter white or campbells(You may end up with a hybrid as they have been accidentally interbred and look nearly the same with few differences between species). For some more info on each breed check this out:

    Hope this helps!!

    Good Luck!!

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