
What Kind of kung fu should i learn?

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I would like to study the types of martial arts and kung fu Jackie chan does and has done. The only thing is i dont know what types of kung fu he does. If you know any of them could you please tell me. I would also like to learn about sword fighting and the stunts, flips and somersaults that he does. If you know about his rush hour movies that should give you an idea on what i want to learn.




  1. i like snake the best but u shuld learn multiple styles to stay well rounded 4 any opponet

  2. Wanting to learn an art because of what you see in a movie is not the best way to choose. If this is what you want, at least try and find out what Kung fu he is using in these films. If you cannot put forth this effort you will never learn anyway. Or you can watch the films over and over and over and over....

  3. actually jacky chan never formally studied kung fu! but opera kung kung fu.

    his formal training was in hapkido actually..he has a black belt in hapkido.

    for all practical purposes though...wushu is probably what you're looking for. it is very spectacular. isnt about self defense or fighting, it is looks pretty and any worthwhile kung fu teacher will tell you "good kung fu aint pretty"

  4. as far as i know jacki chan learnt lots of defferent styles of kung fu. and most styles of kung fu will teach you to use a sword(or some sort of weapon) at some stage.

    also if you want to learn the movement and stunts things he does you could try find out if anyone in you area does Parkour or free running these arnt martial arts but just search parkour on you tube and you will see what it is.

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