
What Language Should I Learn Next?

by Guest33521  |  earlier

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so Spanish is my first language && English is my second [pretty fluent]. I'm really into learning languages && I'm really serious about learning them. I started learning German this summer and I'd say I'm doing pretty well, and now I just started learning Japanese at school this year. So what language should I learn after these [even if it seems impossible] besides French?




  1. Sweet, I'm a native English speaker & I'm on my way to becoming fluent in Spanish (I hope), I can't wait to be multilingual!  I'd say try Mandarin Chinese next, everyone keeps saying how they're gonna be the next global superpower and 2 billion people can't all be wrong!  

  2. I'd say Italian. It has a lot of similarities with Spanish and it's a really fun language too.

  3. My personal order of most fascinating: Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin) and Russian, although either of them will be fiendishly hard I suppose.

    If you like to read about learning languages then these might be an interesting read for you:


    Good job on your language skills and have fun with your next one!

  4. First off, anything's possible (:

    I'd say try to become fluent in German FIRST, and then Japanese. Both are very fun languages. I learnt Swedish, and it was way fun for me, but you and I may not share the same interests in languages. If not, perhaps try Russian, Arabic, or Portuguese. Whereas Portuguese is useful, it's also closely related to your native language, so that may make it seem boring. I strongly dislike the way Arabic sounds, and I'm afraid that'll hinder my learning process when I do learn it.

    Arabic is a staple if you want to make a career out of languages, though.

  5. hi

    well you should try learing dutch :)

    if you do, let me know haha. dutch is pretty hard.

  6. swedish. itll be easier since youve already started learning german and the languages are pretty alike

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