
What Law changes should be made to make Rugby Union more entertaining?

by  |  earlier

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Ex ref/assessor who is fed up with current game




  1. Scrap Union as a concept in itself...that would Entertain League fans no end!

  2. lifting in the linouts should stop and deliberately wheeling the scrum the offending front row sinbined

  3. Make them carry the ball more instead of booting it out of play every 30 seconds!!!!!

  4. Don't make a knock on a penalty offence. Surely dropping the ball is punishment enough.

  5. who isnt fed up, i cant even watch it anymore.

    1. make penalty goals 2 points, and same for drop goals. there is too much incentive to kick penalty goals, and way too many penalties for who knows what. there is 10 rucks the same, then on the 11th ruck which is the same, there is a penalty! what the...?

    2. move the defenders back 5 meters from the ruck, when it forms, giving teams more oppurtunity to run the ball.

  6. How about we pass a law that states the Union should not stick its nose ito the League side of the game. I'm getting really ragged off that Union can interfere with League and do what it pleases to our code.

    I'll give you five examples:

    The London Broncos Rugby League team were having their stadium knocked down, Wimboldon football club said that if they so wished, London Broncos may use their pitch when not playing football, however, a better offer was made by London Harlequins Rugby Uinon who said that London Broncos were allowed to use thei pitch. What they didn't say was that London harlequins wanted London Broncos to change their name from Broncos to London Halequins RL, there was an outcry, both by the RFL and the Rugby League fans about the name change, yet union kicked up a fuss and eventually got its own way.

    Another example is this: League and Union both have (or did have) Great Britain Squads. Union said that there was only to be one Great Britain squad, and that Union should have it, as the RFU said "League has no right to have a Great Britain Squad" Unon got its way again, after the League tri0nations, the great Britian squad was disbandend. Union is now claiming that League has no right to any national teams whatsoever as they "Don't want to get the two codes mixed up" whatever is union going to cry about now? That the RFL have no right to play League matches the way League is meant to be played? That they are to scrap League rules and take up union rules? That's what I'm thinking, Union just wants both codes to fuse into one, that being Union. I can promise you that if that happens, League supporters will come out in force. And I for one will refuse to see "The Four Horsemen of Rugby League" become union sides. Maybe if League kicked up a fuss about it being changed around so much by union, we might just keep our game the way we want it!

    Union has now cried out about the Superleague, saying that the teams that are in the Superleague should stay there, and not have promotion and demotion. This would, when you think about it, take the competition away from the Superleague and those that wish join it. union has no right to change our rules or our code!

    A few years ago, Union also said that the Leeds Rhinos Rugby League team either switch codes or be disbandend. They said this because the Leeds Tykes Rugby Union wanted a rivalry with a fellow Leeds team, Leeds Rhinos protested this ,ovement and asked for help from the league community. Neither the code change or disbanenment happened as League clubs, fans and the RLB (Rugby League Board) fought to stop this from happening (Even their rivals the Bradford Bulls came to the Rhinos' aid). To my knowledge, that was the only time that Union did not get its own way about our code.

    At the Rugby League Grand Final this year on October 14th, a Union fan had openly attacked the League game (while he was siting amongst League supporters) during the Half time, he once again openly attacked the game saying "League should merge with union" and was heckling the League Code and had protested when League fans attacked the union code with him saying "You can't say that about union, but i can say what I want about your code!" to which end, the fan had been spat at, threatend with physical violence and was warned by police that if he did not curb his behavour, he would be ejected from the stadium. His continued arrogance of our code lead to this man being bullied amongst the fans, that both the fans and police escorted him out of the stadium.

  7. For England, I would say ban anyone with the surname Robinson

  8. Change the ball so that it's round, 11 players per side, a goal at each end with a net on, and don't let them pick it up.

    These might have the added benefit of it making it an actual sport. Instead of sport, but for fat blokes.

  9. How about instead off the normal ref. they get some page 3 girls to keep the guys in line.

  10. I agree with that one guy.  No more knock-ons.  It would add to the brutality as people go flying for the ball.

  11. Give an indirect penalty for lesser offences, thus allowing them retain position from a kick to touch but not take a shot at goal. Sometimes if there is a scrum collapse or soemthing like a truck and trailer they give a penalty within kicking distance. It seems harsh to give the other team 3 points for a non deliberate offence.

  12. less clothing

  13. How about banning my dad and husband from swearing when they watch it!!! that would be a fun twist in our house!! lol  and make them blame someone else apart from the ref!!! lol

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