
What Linksys Wireless Router Should I Get?

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I Want To Get My Nintendo Wii, My Nintendo DS, and my Playstation 2 Online. Also If Possible Tell Me Where I Can Get It And How Much It Is. ThankYou!





    if all three at the same time get the more expenisve one if not ge teh 49.99

    make sur ethe geek squad encripts is so your neighbors dont get on

  2. d-link it works greatt! you can get it at best buy i think its prob like 20 or 30 buckss tho=]

  3. You can get any wireless router not lust Linksys but any brand.. you just need to make sure that the router says 802.11b or 802.11g ... whatever your Nintendo is compatible to .. ( I dont hve Nintendo so I dont know )

    it should be on the manual .

    And just to relax you, I am 99% sure that it will be compatible with both of those and most routr these days can support both b and g...

    And they cost anywhere from $70 - $150, here in Australia.. I dont know where you are... so it should be fine.

    Yo can try other good brands like D-link, Belkin etc... there are many these days... but Linksys is from Cisco so has a better brand image...

  4. That's easy.

    Linksys WRT54GL.

    street price is $70-80 dollars, possible worth less on eBay. Make sure it is version 1.1.

    Once you get it, simply download the latest 2.4 firmware from DD-WRT, then flash your router with said firmware. Tadah, router with Kai daemon support. You can link up almost any console to it, including the PS2.

  5. You've set your mind to Linksys, so head on over to or and peruse the information to better help your decision.

  6. I don't recommend getting any wireless router unless you have to be absolutely mobile.  If your issue is just that you don't want to run cables across different rooms of your house, powerline is much better.

    Here is what I would buy:

    This gives you a powerline and wifi hybrid.  Connect your Nintendo to your powerline.  Connect devices like ipods, laptops, and other devices like that that need ultimate mobility.

    I do not recommend people buying wireless because they never setup the security right.  Then there is signal strength problems.

    If you already have a router, then I would buy this:

    You can shop around more at these 2 links:

    If you buy that powerline and wireless hybrid, make sure you setup your security right for your wireless.  If you find yourself not even needing the wireless, go into the router's interface and just shut it off.  Even if no computers are using wireless, you still have a wide open network for war drivers.  There are way of locking it down, but most people do not do a good job of doing it.

  7. It can vary in what you need. If you need a wireless network, the wireless router is good and long rang wireless if you have a big house or whatever. If you are just using a computer that is close to the internet access point, then get a regular router with no wireless but get the one with the best speed boaster if you want fast internet. In the end, if you don't get the faster internet routers, you will be kicking yourself later.

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