
What Local Dishes should l eat in Spain?

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  1. I would try all of these ....... Paella, Pisto Manchego, (Spanish ratatouille), Red bean stew with chorizo and bacon,  

    Spanish lentils and rice, Gazpacho, Sangría, Catalan aubergines or Catalan eggplants, Marmitako, Cochinillo Asado, Pulpo a la Gallega, Gambas Ajillo (Garlic Prawns)

    Jamon Iberico & Chorizo (Iberian Ham & Spicy Sausage),

    Pescado Frito (Fried Fish), Tortilla Española (Spanish Omelet), Queso Manchego (Spanish Sheep Cheese), and

    Patatas Bravas (Fried Potatoes in Spicy Sauce) ...... = )

  2. There are lots of them. There might be some that are quite regional, whereas some others like Paella or Fideuá are quite extended throughout the whole country. If you tell me where you're going in Spain I can tell you about some regional dishes but in general and the best known are:

    Paella (rice with vegetables and fish or meat)

    Fideuà (Similar to paella but with a base of angel hair instead of rice)

    Tapas: Individual portions of all kinds of seafod, snacks, or slices of bread with something on top

    Tortilla de patatas: Potatoes omelette

    Gazpacho: Kind of cold tomato soup with other vegetables. Quite refreshing!

    check this for regional cuisines:

  3. Varies by region.  Some of my favorites:

    Castilla: cordero asado (roast lamb), cochinillo (roast suckling pig)

    Galicia: pulpo a la gallega (octopus), empanadas, caldo gallego

    Andalucia: cazon en adobo (marinated fried fish), gazpacho, salmorejo

    Valencia: paella, rice dishes

    Asturias: fabada, fabes con almejas

    There's lots more, this is just off the top of my head.  

    Try to eat like the Spaniards: big meal at midday (followed by short nap if possible), tapas or light meal at dinner.  Take advantage of "menu del dia" which is a very economical fixed price mid-day meal that most restaurants have.   Enjoy!

  4. In Madrid most people (Spaniards that is) eat at Starbucks, in Barcelona Burger King, in Marbella McDonalds but you can always find plently of foreigners eating what the Spanish used to eat 500 years ago....rice coloured yellow called Paella which is remarkably average.

  5. It depends where you are going. If you go to Valenci, Baleares Murcia or Cataluña, try Paella, fideua,...

    If you go to Navarra or Pais Vasco(vasc country) then you should tray the "pinchos". They are like tapas but much more elaborated. There are hundreds of the.

    Each part of Spain has it's tipicall food. One that is common is Spanish ommelete( Tortilla de patata)

    Que aproveche!

  6. paella


  7. rabbit

  8. definitely paella.

    con pollo.

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