
What MLB record has a better chance of not being broken?

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Cy Young holds the MLB record with 511 wins for his career and the other record is Vander Meer pitched back-to-back no hitters back in 1938. My friends and I have been arguing about this for awhile now. I think that it would be impossible to BREAK Vander Meer's record because to break it the pitcher wouldn't just have to pitch back-to-back no hitters, but in fact pitch THREE straight no hitters (back-to-back-to-back). Obviously the wins seem impossible, but i just can't seem anyone pitching three straight no hitters. What do you think?




  1. there is a better shot at the 511 because 3 no hitters in a row a pitcher would have to be on for all 3 games and have great control. I don't see that happening in todays age of players

  2. there are records in baseball that i don't see ever being broken, you listed two of them.  here's one more:  cy young's 316 losses.

  3. they are both unbreakable srry........................

  4. 511 will be broken

    pitchers will be pitching for longer quantities of time due to  steroids

    steroids also make it impossible to pitch 3 straight no-hitters

  5. Given that no pitcher has ever thrown three no-hitters in any one season, let alone consecutively, there is no basis for predicting it ever will happen. Of course, this obtained before Vander Meer threw his two, so that simply underscores the unpredictability of such an event.

    JVM's two no-hitters and Young's career wins are entirely different animals. Comparing them does not inform us of much. And, regardless, the MOST unbreakable career counting pitching record is Young's complete games, which doesn't have the drool-on-command, crowd-pleasing panache of his wins mark, but is indeed a much more difficult number to assault.

  6. Three back to back is hard to do. there is one overall which will stand for along time. it is the triple crown.

  7. it might be possible then, but no way now, now a days the mlb is to good

  8. I'm with you,,,511 victories is a lot of wins, and with the way pitchers only start 32 games a year vs 40+ starts back then, I'dhave to say 511 will be unreacheable

  9. 511 wins will never be broken.

    Even though it is unlikely for a pitcher to throw 3 no hitters in a row, even 2 for that matter, the odds of this happening are less then a pitcher winning more then Cy Young's 511 victories.

  10. I'd say the 511 wins..guys don't play long enough anymore due to the enormous salaries and would never have a chance to even get close to that many wins in this era...for the record, I don't see the other record being broken either...

  11. three no hitters will be impossible especially cause we are in a hitters era. i don't even think two will be thrown again today with the way franchise's monitor every pitch by the pitchers, three no hitters in a row would mean three straight complete games(not likely) and only about 100 pitches in each start

  12. neither will be broken. 511 wins ? Cy Young was in an era where there was a 3 or 4 man rotation and pitchers pitched complete games all the time so they wouldn't have a bullpen blow their win if they had it in the beginning. and pitching a back-to-back no hitter is already unbelievable so doing it three times is pretty much impossible as well.

  13. Vander Meers record will never be broken.  the mlb hitters are too good.  we are lucky to see 3 no hitters in a year let alone 3 in a row by a pitcher.  

    Another record that won't be broken is Ty Cobbs .367 lifetime batting average

  14. the back to back no-hitters won't be broken. Cy Young's win record probably won't be broken either, but there is a better chance than Vander Meer's no hitters.

  15. none will be broken.

    neither will the sinlge season innings pitched record. no one will come close to 630 innings.

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