
What Makes A Large Snowflake?

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What Makes A Large Snowflake?




  1. Snow flake size depends on temperature.  The colder the temp the smaller the snow crystal.  For example if it snows and the temperature is 20F the snow flake will be tiny. It will also be a dry powdery snow.  For big flakes the temp is usually around or above freezing.  This will be a wet snow.  These flakes can be  the size of quarters to 1/2 dollar pieces.  I have seen it snow flakes about 3/4in in diameter with the temperature around 40F.

  2. When a water droplet freezes and falls it will collide with other water droplets, which will attach to it and fall.  As more and more droplets ( or crystals ) collide they form snowflakes.  If many colide you will have huge snowflakes and if few colide, the snow will be small.  

    The temperature affects the snow in that if the water droplets combine before freezing because its warmer higher in the atmosphere, then freeze you can get hail, rather than snow.

  3. a big raindrop falling from a raincloud ,on its way down it freezes .different temperatures create different type snow or flakes. I think warmer temps create bigger snowflakes and real cold temps create little ball type flakes.i live in Ohio and get both.

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