
What Martial Art is the best?

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I know what everyone's going to say, "There is no best one". Please don't say that. I want everyone's honest opinion. What do YOU, not me, think is the best type of Martial Art that I should take? Also, don't tell me it depends on what I like. Just tell me what you think.




  1. i am a green belt going on blue stripe in se jong tae quon doe and i think that its the best because of its power, its kicks that are hard but extremely fun to do and it seems to have a move to help you out in pretty much any situation. plus there is not as much risk as some other forms as the sparring is strictly no contact. also i like it because i like a challenge and it gets harder and harder but if your good it takes just a little over five years to get a black belt. here is a list of the belt ranks and there meanings:

    beginner- you have no belt. you gota earn it

    white belt- innosence

    gold stripe on white belt- glimmer of knowledge

    gold belt- sunrise of knowledge

    green stripe on gold belt- hint of maturity

    green belt (where i currently am)- maturity in the arts

    blue stripe on green belt- first awareness of ideals

    blue belt- total awareness of ideals

    red stripe on blue belt- sign of danger

    red belt- danger to oneself

    black stripe on red belt- cannidacy

    black belt- beginner, now qualified to be an instructor, and now knows all the basics.

    there are eight ranks after black belt but idk what they are. i hope this helps

  2. Whatever martial art you find the most interesting, most fun, or feel you are benefiting from in any and all aspects of your life is the best martial art for you.  Try as many as you can, and the answer will come to you.

  3. about 99% of people who call themselves martial artists are idiots who fight with gloves on and have mats on the ground, you know, post war ****. Any teacher who has a cement floor, sparring without pads, and doesn't give out belts teaches the best style. Look into everything, that's how you find em.

  4. Hmmm okay I'll not say that!!!!

    Personally the best art I've ever trained in is Japanese jiu-jitsu that's not to say its the best for everyone but for me only and I studied ,Boxing, shukokai/shotokan karate and lau Gar kung fu previously and was amazed at what jiu-jitsu could do, mind you my instructor was also a 4th dan in judo and totally believed in randori ,whether it was judo style or free style kicking and punching, you didn't know what he'd chose after a hard jiu-jitsu work out  along with the circle of ten etc around you and calling out numbers to attack with ,punches,kicks grabs etc and that was usually after you where knackered near the end of class so our training was very rigorous to say the leased.

    Hope this helps as not all japanese jiu-jitsu schools train the same ,hence why some folk think its all pre arranged ,well not in my club anyway.

    BJJ isn't the definitive jiu-jitsu even though its base is judo be it slightly modified ,they would have a hard time at my old club I can assure you,its not the style but how you train that counts and that includes the in vogue Krav Maga also .

    Best wishes :)***

  5. What Martial Art is the best.....honestly....your own created martial's an art so there for it should be your own. be yourself...

  6. Chinese martial art! 长拳,蝴蝶拳

  7. You have too many demands like "don't tell me what I don't want to hear, blah blah, etc. etc." Listen, this isn't "Yahoo! Please me!" this is "Yahoo! Answers!" All of the things you stated in your little disclaimer are the right ANSWERS. Also this question has been asked 1000 times so all you had to do was to go the answers search and type "best martial art: and you would get at least 200 hits of the exact same question, I'm sure there would be an answer there that would satisfy you.

  8. It is simple fact that there is NO BEST martial art. They all have their strengths and weaknesses. People who say otherwise is inexperienced and untrained.

  9. in my opinion there is no best martial art but there is martial arts i really like. i love capoeira and most forms of kung fu i also like traditional karate.

    i dont like mauy that(because i really hate the stance) jui jitsu(i have never had to ground fight and i hope never to have to and all those people who say 90% of fights end up on the ground untill someone can prove it i wont believe it) also dont like MMA (because it has to many people going to classes now and thinking they are tought because of UFC)  

  10. There are no superior martial arts, only superior martial artists.  Sorry, I know that isn't what you wanted to read.

    I can't tell you which martial art to take.  It all depends on what you're looking for.  I know I am stating everything you specifically asked us not to state, but this is my honest opinion. Consider why you want to study a martial art.  What are your threats?  Men and women face different threats.  When a man attacks another man, the strikes are harder and forceful.  When a man attacks a woman, he grabs,subdues, and intimidates her to take her belongings. Evaluate your physical and emotional assets.  Body type is important.  A tall person may consider something like Tae Kwon Do due to it's long range fighting and kicking approaches.  A short strong person may consider judo.  You need to choose something that would work with your strongest physical characteristics.  Think about the different styles of martial arts.  Do you want to study a soft style like many of the Chinese systems (Tai Chi for example) or a hard style like some of the Korean systems (Tae Kwon, Tang Soo Do, or k*k Sool Wan).  What about the Japanese systems?  

    I can't tell you what I think which martial art you should study.  I don't know you.  I can tell you that I think Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan is a great art and that you should look into it but I won't say it's the best art for you.  Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan (aka Tang Soo Do Moo Do Kwan) meets my needs but it may not meet yours.

    You may not like my answer, but I'm telling you what I think.

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