
What May Happen if we just leave Iraq?

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so we won't be counter attacked?, we can just leave and they'll be cool




  1. We'll have butted out of a country where we're not welcome and never were justified in invading in the first place.

  2. We would get a very bad rep.  

  3. And who pray tell could do an effective counter attack. No, a terrorist incident is not a counter attack.

    What would happen in Traq is that things would get out of hand for a while, but it would not take the Iraqis long to realize that without their baby sitters, they have to get their s**t together real quick.

    You see, what we have been doing is keeping the lid on so that their politicians can keep playing stupid games and don't need to grow up.

    Faced with no more support from Uncle Sugar, the Iraqi politicians would pull things together after a bit of initial messiness.

  4. No more US soldier casualties for one.

    Oh and all h**l will break lose in Iraq. Those Iraq Nation Guardsmen aren't very ...good soldiers... Yeah..

    United States WILL NEVER LEAVE. Just like in Guam just like in Germany just like in Korea once US steps in it can NEVER  GET OUT.

    Oh by the way the guy on top of me has REALLY BAD SPELLING.

  5. peace  

  6. They refuse to sell us oil as punishment for what we've done to the area.

  7. The Bush administration makes the claim that we have helped Iraq adopt a constitution, have fair elections, and put their own choice of government in place.  But I think most Iraqis don't approve of that constitution or government, or the people who were elected.  If we left, that government would probably fall and be replaced by a Shia-based government because s**+'ites are the majority there.  There is a good chance Iraq would end up with an Islamic government because that's what the majority of the people want, and they are willing to fight and die for it.

    This is the lesson we learned in Vietnam.  We put a government of OUR choosing in place in the South, but it was not a government popular with the people.  Our govt. said that if we left there would be a 'blood bath', that it was only our presence that kept the peace there.  But in fact when we left the war ended. The minority that we supported saw that there was no point in fighting further so they just gave up.  Vietnam was united under the communist govt. of North Vietnam, and things eventually got better.

    The same thing would happen in Iraq.   Shias and Sunni and Kurds would stop fighting each other because the Shia would take over.  They would be (justifiably) angry with the US but would slowly  rebuild relations with us, just as Vietnam did.  They would regain control of their own oil and keep the wealth in the country, and sell it on the world market for the going price.

    The thing is, this is inevitable. We simply are not going to be able to stabilize and pacify Iraq under the government we have imposed on them.  We can leave now and let them work it out for themselves, or we can stay another ten years, at a cost of literally TRILLIONS of dollars and perhaps hundreds of thousands of lives, and -then- leave and let them work it out for themselves.

  8. Well, it would probably collapse into civil war, and Iran would move in. Either way, you'd be back again in a decade with an even bigger mess.]

    You (America) would however be slightly more popular with the people who hate you.

    The terrorists who had been previously occupied in Iraq, could then turn their attention to America itself.

  9. Taliban will take over again, and the Iraq's will go right back to h**l.  Iraq is finally a democracy and they need us to secure the country. Why are iraqi's more important than Americans?  

  10. the bad people will take over the country and all the fight will be in vain. but we're not just leaving but we are leaving now the marines are slowly coming home cause they can help and are doing stuff on their own i am glad they have it together. we needed to help them get a grip and they are take care.

  11. Pepole will stop dieing? Wow did you forget how Osoma cam to hate us soo much? Its the same thing as afganistan. We help/ make a mess, then leave without cleaning it up. If that happens then we are creating a monster with unlimited funds.  

  12. it will got to the radicals if we leave all at once.

    Good news is the Anbar province was turned over to Iraqi control today. One more down.

  13. In my opinion, if we leave now, everything we have done here (believe me, we've done alot) will be wasted. The society is already extremely fragile and the infrastructure of the country is extremely lacking. I don't think coalition forces will be leaving for another 10 years at the earliest or else it will be like we never came in. You all need to realise that the Coalition forces are making a difference, and are helping to rebuild the country.

  14. Hopefully this question may be becoming moot, the US just handed over control of the largest province Anbar to the Iraqi military yesterday. This is getting closer to an end.

    McCains surge has had an effect to get us ahead of schedule and out of the war.He didn't start the war, but as a vet he knows how to finish and leave.

  15. We're not going to just up and leave. Hopefully Obama will get us out of there fast, but it's not like he'd do it without a plan. He learned that lesson from Bush.

  16. We "MIGHT" stop sending our american soldiers, brothers sisters mothers fathers sons daughters. to Die for nothing.   That might be an effect.   But hey, I'm jsut speculating.  How many thousands of our freinds and family are dead now?  oh geez, you know, the number jsut keeps rising I can't keep up.

  17. Would imagine that the initial result would be a decline in the number of US deaths and an increase in the number of Iraqi deaths.

    Would there be attack here on the US after wards? I would guess probably not immediately but it would make those that wish to harm the country a boost of confidence that we are easy to target.

  18. They will come in bomb us I think we should out some bases but leave some in there permanently  because if we pull out completely they will come and bomb us and personally I like living and the soliders chose to go over there to defend us so I'm gonna let them and if any soliders read this thank you so much for defending this country  

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