
What McCain inching closer to Alzheimer's and Palin on the throws of post partum ?

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Are these two stable?




  1. McCain Backs Bush........

    that speaks volumes about his poor judgement already.

    He then picks Palin......who once supported Pat Buchanan.....a flaming IDIOT, .for President.

    Both their judgements are clearly  already greatly impaired.  

  2. Your question is not worthy of serious consideration since it has no basis in fact, only in manure from the stable you live in.

  3. More stable than the mind that came up with this simplistic juvenile question

  4. NO I think He being Old and she going Insane, I gotta they aren't as stable as you think.


  5. You dont really expect serious answers to such an inane question, o you?

  6. I believe they are far more stable than Obama who is willing to let the babies of botched abortions die on the operating table, or of his running mate who cheated his way through college exams.

    There is no medical basis for your claims on either of these two honorable people and you should be ashamed for publishing such a question.

  7. They're still better than the crack induced paranoid schizo and the geriatrically deluded lobbyist.

  8. I'm a Democrat...and these kind of questions are Uneducated,Bias, Disrespectful and DESPICABLE...You need to do some Research before you open your mouth. You sound Foolish.

  9. Both of them are world class individuals.

    If "the truth ain't hate", why are you posting questions like this?

  10. Yes they are.

    Another lib with question and answers set to private. Embarrased are we?

  11. If both of your statements were true, they'd still be more stable than anybody in your party's ideas from one day to the next.

  12. you bet ye they are.

  13. if that's all you've got, you are in world class trouble!

  14. anyone would look stable compared to a hard core liberal like Obama.

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