
What Mental Disorder would this classify as?

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Well, I keep the T.V. on whenever i go to bed, the noise helps me sleep. When i am in my own living room for a drink or something when it's 1am or something i feel as if i am in danger, like there's someone out for me. It feels like I'm in a horror movie or something. One time i saw a car drive slowly down my street at like 3am and i actually thought it meant something. Basically i feel as if something bad is always going to happen most of the time. If i feel any pain in my body i always think the worst is going to happen or if a mosquito bites me i think i may get infected with a virus or something. Right now it's 2:30am and i would not go outside to smoke or anything because i fear i would get shot or something... sometimes during the day i'll see a face pass by and the thought of that guy might shoot the place up comes to mind... I will not go on a airplane because the door might fly off or something and the plane would crash. I would never parachute cause the chute might not open, etc...




  1. It sounds like an anxiety disorder with a dash of paranoia.  But I'm not a psychiatrist.  If it interferes with your daily life, I would recommend you go see a therapist.

  2. i think youre watching too much movies.....that might be the reason!!

    i dont think there is a disease like that...your just in depression probably...or something is bothering you..share it with someone

    oh and ye it might be paranoia (spelling?) like everybody else says


  4. Deeply Paranoid.

  5. Hi, I am sorry to hear that your life is so upsetting, I am NOT a doctor nor do I have any medical training etc, therefore I cannot offer you a definitive answer to your question.

    However I can share with you the following information, my stepson used also, like yourself have to have the TV on whilst going to sleep (and even whilst asleep, i.e. if I or his mother turned off the TV once he'd fallen asleep to avoid wakening up our other children [even after a few hours] he would awaken and complain of the need to have the TV on.

    This continued well into his early twenties and I don't know if the reason is linked to his drinking of Coca Cola, he was always one for drinking it, moreso than any of the others and he had similar traits to those you describe, then the Coke drinking finally ruined his teeth (rottted them) and he had to have false ones, he gave up the Coca Cola at this point and his demeanour has changed a lot since and he no longer needs to have the TV on to get asleep, he has also become more sociable.

    If you don't dronk Coca Cola, then perhaps you could check out any other sodas you drink for additives like phenylanaline or Aspartame, these are known neuro-toxins that are added to most sodas as artificial sweeteners etc. and are known to affect some people quite badly and even if you are not affected badly by them I question if anyone really by choice wants to have neuro-toxins in their foodstuffs?

    Check with your health-care giver to see if ther is any other reason that you should be having those feelings.

    Good Luck.

  6. it happens some time

    but it is not mental disorder

    just relax

  7. Here me out, for starters I'm not a Doctor, but I pretty much know what I'm talkin' about.

    These feelings you get, feel real don't they? They come and go. Do you get any pain such as in your chest, heart racing, pain in stomach, or clammy/sweat even maybe cold, hard to breath? I'll tell you why;

    I believe you may be experiencing what is called "Anxiety and or Panic Disorder" ( attacks). You may only have one disorder but usually they come together. Eventually, this could develope into what is called "Agoraphobia" ( A gor a pho bi a), which means you are unable to leave known and safe surroundings because of "INTENSE FEAR".

    This is a real Disorder and can be controlled under councilling and medication. With the help of a good psycologist and psychiatrist to speak with and get scripts for meds would be an excellent source for your mental health and well being.

    You can do this, don't wait a life time.

  8. It could be any paranoia disorders...

    You could have



    borderline personality disorder



    Any of these... however seeing as to how you only listed paranoia symptoms it could be any number of conditions of which paranoia is a symptom.  I would recommend seeing a therapist as there could be a root problem for your behavior or other symptoms along with them that you have not noticed.  Often in the case of a mental disorder there must be a few signs/symptoms present in order to be diagnosed.  However, seeing a therapist or a doctor in the near future is the only way to be sure of anything and to also ensure that you don't have a much bigger problem.  Catching a mental disorder early is the best cure, if any.

    It's also a good sign that you have caught many of your own symptoms as this is usually an obstacle for those needing treatment, as they do not see anything out of the ordinary about their behavior (denial)  Doctors may prescribe some medication to you and/or also recommend a couselor/ therapist.  

    I would also recommend reaching out to a close friend or loved one to share with them any of your thoughts or feelings and to not feel totally isolated in your paranoia.

    Don't be ashamed!  Everything is going to be okay.  I applaud you for stepping out when you noticed something was wrong!  The worst thing is not to get help because you think that you are crazy or something!  It happens to people everyday... the best of us.  

    Good luck to you!!!!  If you need any more encouragement email me!

  9. I am not in any way a medically degreed person, but what you are describing sure sounds like one or more phobias and/or ocd (obsessive/compulsive disorder). If these fears are controlling your life, please seek medical advice.

  10. i feel like that all the time too especially at night cuz im afraid that somethings in my house all the time and that i am going to get attacked

  11. You're definitely paranoid, but we can't diagnose you with a mental disorder over the internet especially with so little info.

  12. its nothing big


  13. I had every thing you just mentioned.  It all stopped when i quit drinking.  I drank because i thought that would help those symptoms go away....but drinking made it worse.  I got myself on "effexor", which is for anxiety and for depression.  That helped so much.  What your describing is from anxiety.  Your not crazy.  I believe you know what to do to change it.  Plus antidepressants and something for the anxiety will help.

    good luck sweetie.  If you have any other questions, feel free to ask me.


  14. Sounds like a case of classic paranoia, perhaps with hints of hypochondria. You should consider seeing a doctor or therapist about it. They can do a lot to help with anxiety through counseling or even medication. But for starters, I suggest getting some good sleep and not being up at 3 AM. ^_^ I hope you can reach some peace with this! Good luck!

  15. you are describing anxiety. Life is full of stressors but it's how you react that matters.  Try to keep things in perspective and not blow insignificant events (eg a car passing slowly) out of proportion.  Have you ever tried to learn "positive thinking", it really can help.  You will still face the same stress factors, but may be able to cope with it better.  

  16. You're just being paranoid.

  17. aha, you're just like me. it's paranoia.

  18. paranoia mixed with necrophobia(the fear of death)

  19. According to Freud, all fears are repressed wishes.  Therefore, fear of death is a symptom of depression.  Also, the belief that people are out to get you is a symptom of paranoia.  

    Even so, everybody has similar symptoms.  It's the price we pay for living in civilization.  All our basic drives are routinely thwarted since infancy, so they have to find roundabout means of gratification and strange substitutes and displacements and compromises.  

    In short, everybody is crazy.  According to Freud, the cutoff between mental health and craziness is the ability to work and love.  If your symptoms don't interfere with your work or love life, don't worry about it.  You're fine.  

    Otherwise, see a therapist.

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