
What Mp3 would you recommend me?

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I used to have an Ipod, but now I want something small but with a lot of memory. Also something that doesn't break easily.

Memory, not breakable, small.....

Any recommendations, and why is it a good mp3?




  1. The Sansa Clip is a great little player, available with up to 4GB of memory.  The Sansa Fuze is also nice, it is available in up to 8GB and supports high capacity micro SD cards for added memory.  The Creative Zen is another good option, and available in up to 32GB.  And the Cowon iAudio 7is quite nice, and has impressive battery life.

  2. I think a sansa clip is good.  Its small and really adorable. I've had one and dropped it several times--but it still working perfectly with out a scratch.

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