
What NBA team do you think will be moved next and why?

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What NBA team do you think will be moved next and why?




  1. The New Jersey Nets. They are already planning to move to Brooklyn in 2010. Read about it here:

  2. I heard the Grizzlies to Seattle on ESPN somewhere. They were the franchise most likely to go.

  3. Probably the OKC franchise. That's gonna fail so fast it'll be funny.

  4. Yeah Memphis I heard Baltmiore is buliding a Arena and might get a team down there.. Mabey

  5. None. Too much money to move from franchise to franchise.

  6. Hornets. They can't draw enough fans.

  7. memphis has to be the next one. they shouldve never moved it from van-city. but, i can see them possibly going to seattle...never shouldve moved the sonics.

  8. Memphis to Seattle

  9. What up X-Ray,

    Well the three organizations i keep hearing about the most are:

    (1)  Memphis- makes a lot of sense since that franchise has struggled and seemingly in rebuilding mode (for a couple of years to come).

    (2)  New Jersey- we keep hearing about Jay-Z moving them to Brooklyn and then getting LeBron James in 2010.

    (3)  New Orleans- i know they are struggling to get enough attendnace (but i think with their recent success) and i think the NBA has a great interest in seeing them succeed after Hurricane Katrina- i think one of the other two franchises would get moved first.

    **This is a really outside one- but perhaps the Clippers- they had a chance to move to Anaheim not that long ago- and well they are one injury away from going into rebuilding mode.


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