
What NFL Team has the Ugliest fans?

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I say Green Bay, those girls can really thrown down some beer and brats.




  1. Packers. There are so many fat ugly packer fans its ridiculous...

  2. I think your wrong about Green Bay because if you are also doing beer, they get better looking with each one.

    I want to say Cowboys, but I should be honest. I love Texas women.

    Facepainters - anyone who does that.

  3. agreed Raider fans are the ugliest.

  4. 49er fans, they are all g*y because they live in San Francisco.

    Broncos fans, because their fans are half donkeys, half human.

    Chiefs fans, because they are inbred, and raised on farms where they married a turtle and a duCK.

  5. Eagles...  

  6. Raider fans

  7. Hands down Giants fans are. Inside and out.

  8. It is the Packers by a landslide.

    Everyone saying Raiders is nuts, Cali Chicks Verse Wisconsin Chicks, COME ON!

  9. Have you ever looked in the stands at McAfee Colosseum in Oakland? That is where you will find the ugliest fans. The funny thing is....they're proud of that.

  10. I've got to say Cleveland!

    They look much more human with their ugly dog masks on!

    With them off?  Yikes!

  11. miami, unless you like the weathered-leather skin look  

  12. cowboys,

  13. I would say Dallas Playboys.  All those people down there are ugly.  YEAH!!!


  14. I say Vikings and Raiders fans, no offense, however.

  15. Colt fans which is a lottttt of older people and the camera stays on them. Also Eagle fans Its hard to look hot and s**y when your face is always in a scowl and you are on alert to throw something spiting out beer when they talk.   Now to be done with my dumb answer there is ugly and hot drunk and sober kind and unkind young and old in all 32 teams. The camera just cannot catch them all lol

  16. Well....

    to be honest...

    as a Raider fan, I will have to say Raider fans.

  17. maybe thr raiders or texans

    best looking fans are the jags and indy....

  18. Your team dude!

  19. Definitely Green Bay! Those 350 pound green and gold painted bellies...yuck. Hey have another sausage lardo!

  20. Well. Don't know. They all run a dang close race. Except for the Dallas Cowboys. Everything about Dallas and Texas is AWESOME!!!

  21. I'm  a Tampa Bay fan and I am definitely not ugly.  And Green Bay people aren't ugly they just say ugly things.  And I would have to go with the Vikings - pale pale people.

  22. Philly

  23. Cowboys

  24. HEY!  I am a Green Bay fan and I am not ugly!  I'd say Tampa Bay.

  25. Cleveland for sure, do you truthfully think they are real masks?

  26. Well, if its like anything else, its ussualy the place with the least sunlight.

    Minnesota, detroit, cleveland, seattle would probably be contenders.

    Likewise, San Diego, TB, Miami, and Dallas have the hottest female fans.

  27. San Fransisco.  

  28. Raiders.  Why do you think they're so pissed off?

  29. Ugliest Fans....Hmm

    Tied for first:




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