
What NFL team would you NOT like to see ever go undefeated?

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Dallas fan - no offense taken as I dont blame you and thanks...although I do still see Cowboy fans around, yet I havent seen ONE Patriot fan anywhere!




  1. Philly. I hate the Eagles with all of my soul.

  2. baltimore colts

  3. the green bay packers

    PS like that's EVER going to happen


  4. The Giants (no offense), Eagles, Redskins, or Patriots.

    By the way, Three rings, of course we've disagreed on a lot of things here, but congrats to the Giants. I'm big enough to admit they really did something special. And it likely makes you happy to know as a Cowboys fan, it still hurts!

  5. The Dolphins. But they already did it. Thankfully, it happened before I was alive.

    If the Dolphins ever go winless, I will be a very happy man. Too bad it didn't happen last season.  

  6. The 'Boys!

  7. The arrogant, cheating New England Patsies.

  8. Who cares on going undefeated,look at what happened to the Patriots,the whole point in football is to win the Super Bowl,the rest of the trimmings don't mean a thing

  9. dallas cowboys!

  10. Definably the Patriots, Texans, and Raiders.

    I hate them.

  11. "I was surrounded by pimps,rapists and murderers. It was like being in the stands at a Raiders game."


  12. d**n bucaneers

  13. I don't hate any team that much. You have to care too much to truly hate something.. and I just don't care. I'd rather root for my team than root against someone else's. And you can add another Patriots fan to the tally.

  14. Faiders, i mean the Raiders.

  15. Cowboys. They have the biggest bandwagon in history, and their following of fake fans would never shut up.

  16. The Chargers, I hate them.

    And the chiefs, but that's not asking for much..

  17. Patriots and Colts

  18. The cowboys.

    I would rather be smeared with Gaines Burgers and thrown into a yard filled with starving Rottweilers than to see that happen

  19. Pats and the whole NFC East except of course for my Boys'

  20. The Patriots

  21. any team other than the Bills!!!

  22. I'd hate to see the cowboys go undefeated. But from a personal standpoint, I hate the friggin' ravens.  

  23. Patsies.

    Go Cowboys!

  24. The 49ers

    Mike Nolan can't I don't have to worry

    Jesus.......if the Cowboys went undefeated......there would be no end...........The Bible would be rewritten to include the Cowboys 19-0 run.......Jessica Simpson would have a Billboard #1 song called "Them Perfect Boys".......Texas state motto would be "Dallas Cowboys went 19-0 Yeeehaw!".........Terrell Owens would practically become a humble man as his ego would be so inflated that it imploded

    if you thought Patriot bandwagoners were bad.........just think if the Cowboys went would be Armageddon

  25. The steelers, raiders, or patriots.

  26. Patriots

  27. Cowboys

  28. Dallas Cowboys

    and here's your Patriot fan

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