
What NOT to forget when going to an amusement park?

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  1. Money


    Extra shoes in case they break or hurt


    Sun Glasses

    Mints or Gum for after you eat

    Bathing suit and towel if they have a water park

  2. Well, it kind of depends on what time you are going at.  If you are going in the morning for the whole day then I would bring Sunblock 30 spf, if they allow it water, and of course a ticket.  And make sure to be safe and have fun.

  3. money, tampons, and a friend

  4. bottled water!!!

  5. Money!, and your ticket of course.

  6. Three things I always need or want and almost always forget.... chapstick, a rubberband for my hair (or my daughters), and gum (most parks don't sell gum)....

  7. HAT, SUNGLASSES, MINI FAN, A lot of money and thousands of dollars for gas money lol : )

  8. Money! Everyone needs food & water.

  9. Don't forget to not overpack. You really need cellphone water and money, as well as sunblock, when you bring to many things it takes away from it since you need to lug things around.

  10. sunscreen! nothing worse than a gross burn after being outside all day

  11. -hair tie around your wrist

    -put on sunblock when you get to the park and throw it back in the car

    -cell if you have one

    These items you can put in a one-compartment small zipper thing (like the ones you get at Claire's), and stick in your pocket, I have a cloth one so it doesn't fall out of my pocket:

    -tickets or season pass

    -a couple advil or whatever in case you get a headache, riding rides and coasters with a headache is pure h**l

    -a few pieces of gum



    Also, here are some hints:

    -wear comfortable shoes, I cannot stress that enough.

    -not sure which park you are visiting, but if you are wearing a tank and shorts, bring a hoodie and/or jeans to store in a locker in case it gets cold

    -do not wear big earrings or necklaces because they will hit you in the face while riding

  12. money! and tickets!

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