
What OTHER "milestones" are memorable about your child?

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A couple years ago I was focused on turning in school papers, then I was focused on feeling my baby kick during pregnancy, then I was focused on watching my baby learn to sit up- talk- etc.. AWW... all were so important at the time!!

I know that everyone has memorable milestones like:

-1st roll over

-1st word

-1st sit up

-1st crawl

-1st tooth

-1st walk

BUT what OTHER milestones have been memorable for your you when watching your "baby" grow up..?

I love to watch my son grasp simple concepts.. but the other day I watched my "baby" teeter from one training wheel on his bike to the other training wheel as he petaled away & that was yet another important milestone (& yes I cried!).

He'll be 3 next month~ time flies way tooo fast when you become a parent!!




  1. first baby kiss was really cool this past week - she's 6 months.  Now if I ask her she'll give me a big slobbering wet kiss  - they're the best!

  2. His first smile - couldn't wait to see just one sign of emotion apart from crying.

    His first crawl - we have dislectcya in our family and it is an early sign if a baby has difficulty crawling.

    When he could swim on his own at 2 and a half years.

  3. It was a pretty wonderful milestone when dd finally figured out Dad was called Dad and not Toilet. We sign with her, since Daddy is half deaf. He, in the way of dads, would take her off to the toilet and explain everything in plenty of detail. Thankfully it was all in sign, since I don't really need that sort of info. Anyway, he spent so much time talking to her about toilets, she got confused and thought that was his name. She called him Dad in English, but thought his sign name was Toilet. It was an important development :)

  4. My oldest is 6, all the little things are great. the rolling over, first work, sitting up so on. But I love to see him grow and realize things. Make connections.

    -First day of school

    -First book read alone

    -first time he could tie his own shoes

    -Losing first tooth


    there is so much, watching a child grow is amazing.

  5. - Jumping! I remember watching him practice for about a year before he got it right. SOOOOOOOOOO CUUUUUUUUUTE!

    - first time he realised his hands were his. Wow.

  6. 1st haircut

    1st day of school

    1st sip of a chocolate milkshake lol

    1st wee in the potty

    1st time using a spoon or fork without help

    1st time clapping hands

    1st time tying shoelaces

    1st fingerpainting

  7. The first time my son drew a picture of me was very memorable! He drew it with bathtub crayons and I had a green face, but he pointed at it and said, "Mommy," and that was very special to me! I even took a picture of his drawing.  :)

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