I got an appointment on August 22, 2008 at 12:15 P.M. at CAM for a comprehensive substance abuse assessment. I got referred by Crisis Care in my first appointment with them! I don't know what CAM does but I'm hoping that they will help me with my mental health problems! Then I got appointment for S.S.I. on Tuesday August 26, 2008 at 3:00 P.M. for a disability advocacy program! So what do I need to know so I can get S.S.I. or something? The doctors said I have borderline personality disorder, trichotillomania, bipolar disorder, seasonal affective disorder, etc.! I got like 20 hospital stays and I’m keeping track of them on paper and a food stamp card in Ohio and in Florida. I am getting medicaid / medicare card so what else do I need? I got all my medical bills, social security paperwork, Ohio bureau of workers compensation deny letter, hospital records, etc. I hit my head at DHL on 01-11-06 and the accident happen at work. I am going to get a lawyer or
something to help me on it! I applied for S.S.I. recently and they denied me because the S.S.I. people thought I had a $3,000.00 dollar workman computation case but I never got the money and the case was denied! So what else do I need to do or what do I need to do?