
What PH will guppies tolerate

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I've heard that they can even be put in a marine tank but I'm not quite sure about the low range. My tank averages at around 6.4-6.8 because it's planted. It currently has 10 neon tetras and 2 bristlenose plecos and they seem to be doing wonderfully and growing heaps. I've added some dialuted baking soda (bicarbonate of soda) now the ph is around 7.2. It will probably fall back down again like it always does. So can the guppies tolerate 6.4? I'm thinking of jaust adding a trio of guppies.




  1. Most fish including guppies can tolerate a wide ph range from 6.0-8.0 just fine.  As long as the ph is remaining stable instead of jumping around.

  2. they can be in a wide range but make sure that you dont over feed the tank and make sure you clean the tank out often.

    My guppies were in my tank for about 4 weeks then we had to go on vacation and my neighbors overly fed them both and the tank got realyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy nasty and the day after i brought them back home they had died...

    make sure you keep an eye on the ph so it doesnt jump around alot but what u have it at is ok.  

  3. is relative to many factors of tank symbiosis

    ....newly cycled tanks are prone to low ph, due to nitrogen byproducts

    ...high nitrAtes will lend acid to the water lowering the ph

    ...'driftwood/bogwood' also leech acids that lower ph

    ....plants create a fluctuation in ph over day and night by ~0.5, so for example with live plants, the ph may flux from 6.4 to 6.9 or 7.0

    ....releasing CO2 which lowers ph

    ....plants do absorb nitrates as food too, some prefer it over ammonia, and visa versa the point, your guppies can easily tolerate the changes in ph

    ....flux in ph is 'normal' in the wild....with tannins that lower or monsoon run-off-additives that raise ph adding some coral and shells to the tank gravel, this will tend to keep the ph up a little, so by adding a little coral gravel at a time, over some months, you can steadily buffer the range of the ph flux...the coral does not filter away like salts and soda

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