
What PS3 Game Should I Rent?

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I was Thinkning Maybe One OF These: Haze, Army Of Two, Madden NFL 09 Or The Bourne Conspiracy? Here Are The Games I Currently Own:



Battlefield Bad Company

Strangle Hold

Guitar Hero 3

Kane And Lynch Dead Men

Rainbow Six Vegas

Burnout Paradise

Resistance Fall Of Man


Assassins Creed

Unreal Tournament 3

The Orange Box




FYI I ALready rened uncharted and beat it so please dont reccomend uncahrted i played it already!




  1. heavenly sword. a must rent. its short, like 6 hours but that's why it makes a great rental

  2. you can go for virtual fighter it is cool  

  3. of the games you listed, Army of Two is probably the best.  Lego Indiana Jones may be worth a rent as well.

    I see you have Warhawk.  Save your money and wait until Thursday and get the expansion pack.  JET PACKS!!!

  4. You can rent Rainbow 6 Vegas 2 since you got the first one. It was pretty fun. Army of Two is good but you really need another person to play with, I don't see it being to fun alone. Haze isn't that great, I have it and it was kind of a let down. I haven't heard too much about Madden but they're always good so you cant go wrong there

  5. well you shouldn't rent the good games they need to be bought which rules out Madden 09 and Army of Two and Rainbow Six Vegas 2 so here are your choices afterwards


    Bourne Conspiracy

    Heavenly Sword

    so out of those Haze is a good rent and Heavenly Sword but i think Haze would be better for you since you like First person shooters

  6. Assassins creed this game is awesome.

    And Call O f Duty 4 this game has a very good Campaign that you will never get bored about and the sickest online.

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