
What Paranormal Power is required to get askers to choose a best answer or vote for best answer?

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Please take the time to choose a best answer (you get three points) for your question or go in and vote for a best answer (1 point per vote) to other questions.




  1. read you loud and clear Psiexploration .

    Prole/Jim C.

  2. Some times I forget, other times I am not at the computer. Sorry !!

  3. Point taken!

  4. As an answerer, if I put a lot of effort into an answer, I like that recognition from the asker that I did a good job and he/she respects that. If it goes up for a vote I feel that the asker is just lazy. I don't care what the popular opinion is. I want to know that the asker got the question answered, to their liking.

    Just my 2 cents...YMMV.

  5. I think it has less to do with paranormal powers than plain old fashioned common sense.

  6. I always pick a BA for my questions, and so should more people........

  7. I thought you said you liked for them to go to "Voters"...I have a few times...but really like to give BAs on my own questions.  I've noticed some people NEVER give BAs ...I don't understand why. Thanks for the reminder.

  8. I always try to pick a best answer for my questions but sometimes I forget. But anyhow, I'm not sure which I prefer in general from others. Going to vote means that you're getting the popular opinion, which may or may not be a good answer. The asker picking the best answer means you get the asker's opinion only, which could be an even worse answer, but one which satisfies the asker more. Which one is better?  I'm not sure which one is the lesser evil, actually. But for me, I'll continue to pick my own best answers.

  9. Sometimes people aren't able to get on-line again before the question is put up for vote.   It certainly is much better to give feedback about the question one asks, as it is an acknowledgment of the effort the answerers put into responding, and it makes for a more effective exchange of ideas.

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