
What Parody about Gov Palin did you laugh at most when CNN showed them this morning?

by Guest59161  |  earlier

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you know, they had clips from my space or UTube or something similar. Several clips mimicking Gov Palin and ridiculing her voice and body language?

Which one did you think had the most journalistic value?




  1. Journalistic value? A parody? Yes we are paying attention to the issues aren't we Obamabots?

  2. Cnn is nothing more then a Snl skit only less funny and less factual

  3. CNN still on the air? Their ratings were so low I didn't think anyone even knows about it anymore. My answer is that I didn't see it

  4. don't watch the ultra ultra liberal media.

    If you haven't heard.. untra liberal media and all democrats are for dead babies.

    They call it choice.

    I call it murder.

    Really funny.

  5. lol this one is funny

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