
What Pearls of Wisdom you have learned from your life-experience?

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from people around you and in your field.





  1. Never marry if you like frequent s*x.

  2. Nobody wants me for just being me...they always want something...but never me.

    If someone new comes into my first thought is..'What are they REALLY after'.

    With that thought in is no wonder I am single and live

  3. do not trust anyone with anything. be independent as much as possible. always think outside the box. always look for alterer motives. always look for connections and colorations.

    you have to be more specific on the advice (wisdom) you want.

  4. The best lesson I have learned is to always forgive others that have wronged you. Also forgive yourself, I think this is harder for me to do.

  5. "Be yourself! No one can ever tell you you're doing it wrong!"

  6. keep an open mind

    live and let live

    life is too short to not be happy.

    sometimes you have to chase doesnt just come to you

    chill, and enjoy the ride of life...

    It's never fair......

    live with no regrets.

  7. life is forgiving not forgetting

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