
What Percentage of Katrina Victims Were Elderly & Children?

by  |  earlier

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Of both those that died, and those that didn't evacuate?




  1. I have been down to Lakeshore Miss. and NO's three times with my church helping rebuild, the elderly where hit the hardest, especially those on fixed income, they couldn't leave and now they can't rebuild, its really sad, did meet one elderly lady though who swam to safety with a small dog on her stomach while fighting off the snakes that were trying to get out of the salt water, the church help build her a new house, she was 85 at the time and has tremors in her head and hands bad, but what a glorious testimony she has, she gives all the credit to the good Lord above for saving her life,

  2. Zzzzz

    I think you lost a button on your sweater!

  3. WOMEN as usual..........

    In all "naufrages" men walk over women & children...........

    Ask Tyson's little "get-together" CEOs from Cla-ifornia.........

  4. I feel that all people have value and its sad that anybody died. Katrina was a natural disaster where the politicians in New Orleans and Louisiana knew for years that a bad storm would cause that sort of damage. However, its these politicians that get a free ride because people like you look to the US government for help and wanting the national government to solve a problem in days that took years and years to come about.

    Are you attempting to get a percentage of the young and old so that you can further blame Bush and the government for letting these people die? The politicians and people in Louisiana who allowed this situation to exist long before Katrina are the people who should be held accountable. But, as we know, these days its easier to blame the national government. You tree hugging, bleeding heart liberals make me ill.

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