
What Plants absorb nitrogen most readily?

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ok so i gotta think of a science project early so that i dont s***w it up like last year.

and i guess ill do something on reducing nitrogen in watersheds and whatnot




  1. Any brassica family member will readily absorb nitrogen because they all grow at a fast rate.  The best to use are either fast plants (Brassica rapa) or Arabidopsis, as they are the fastest.  

    One way to reduce nitrogen in watersheds (at least in agricultural fields) is to use intercropping.  The University of Wisconsin Horticulture Department has been doing research on using winter wheat and alfalfa intercrops in potato to reduce nitrate leaching in to the Central Sands watershed at Hancock -- if I remember correctly, the researcher's last name is Foff (sp?).

  2. Try field mustard, Brassica rapa. Grows very fast. Really like this question. Nitrogen should be readily absorbed by all plants equally, correct me if I'm wrong; but since nitrogen is responsible for plant growth (and reproduction and nucleic acids, etc.) more so than the other plant nutrients like phosphorus and potassium, the implication there is rapid growth, if I am not mistaken. Kudzu, if I'm spelling it right, a noxious weed from the southeast, like Florida and around there, also grows like crazy. Depending on your state though, if you can't go out and grab some, it may be illegal to have or get.

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