
What Proccess Do You Have To Take To Adopted A Child?

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I am planning to adopted my niece, both of her natural parents are no longer living. Around how much will it cost for me to adopted her? Also once I become her legal parent will I have the authority to discontiue her adult brother, from allowing his sister to be around his girlfriend, who how I strongly dislike her(long story).




  1. First of all, the child will have to be legally available to be adopted.  A custody battle will take much more money, and time, and can end up devastating to a child.  

    You'll have to have a home study, done by a licensed social worker.

    You'll need an attorney.  Many family law attorneys can handle adoption, however, adoption attorneys who advertise under the adoption section are like adoption agencies, and are mainly only for newborn, "stranger" adoptions.  Legal aid might help you, you'll just have to call.

    Do you presently have custody of her?  It makes a difference.  Also, the state you live in.  Good luck!

  2. Will you teach her your stellar spelling skillz?

    Dude... you can't "adopted" a child.  "Adopted" is the past tense, meaning it already happend.

    I mean Jesus, people want to adopt and yet they can't even spell the word!!

  3. This is a process of going through the local social services center or some form of family and child services. They will check out your backround and the conditions of your home safeness cleanliness all of that and then you fill out forms for adoption process to begin and then it will go to court and if all checks out well with your environment and backround there shouldn,t be a problem with the judge awarding you custody and she will be yours good luck.                and no if she has a brother you cannot discontinue visits without justifiable cause and since he would be next of kin he gets first dibs on her unless you can prove him unfit or incompetent good luck though

  4. The court will know

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