
What Qualifications do you have ?

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What qualifications do you have or what qualifications are you studying that help you understand and discuss AGW and Climate change in general ?

I am doing a degree in Maths and Physics and have been focusing on Modeling non-linear systems ( on the maths side) and Atmospheric Physics on the other ( although most of that will be next year) . I was simply wondering if anyone else here is doing/has done similar , and what other things other people are doing/have done.





  1. Stating qualifications on YA' not going to get you anywhere.I couldn't make a decent living in the days of yore as a Bio major.I'm retired now and just tying to stay up on current  events.

    Here are some fields you might want to touch base on, that has a lot to do with modeling.(Howard T Odum)ecologist,listed in Wikipedia.One area often neglected is Cybernetics,they do most of the complex modeling used in a wide range of  science.

    I was one of those idiot savants when it came to chemistry I could do the equations but not have a clue what the answer really meant.Think about it there are over 10 million carbon based organic compounds and at least a hundred times that amount in theory....anyway  thanks for the rant and good luck on your endeavor.

    EDIT:" Nurse's Rule"under paid,overworked and do more for humanity in one day then most of us do in ten life times.I married one because we both had a interest in science.

    EDIT: Here are some sources you can contact direct if you are serious.

    use the search feature and enter Roe,they provide phone # as well as email.It's a good article that was published Oct,26 edition of Science Mag.

  2. BBA in business

    BSc in Mech Engineering

    MSc in Energy technologies (involves a lot of thermodynamics)

    My understanding of AGW is more limited than some of you (more specialized in physics and radial absorption).

    I am more on the side of AGW mitigation.

  3. I have no qualifications short of doing my own reading and research... it's interesting that even with an almost unanimous agreement from scientists worldwide, there will be those that will listen to the fringe that claims there is no global warming or that is very exaggerated.

    P.S. Impressive course lineup. I'm going through nursing school right now and I plan on furthering my education and getting medicine-related degrees, possibly go into nutrition or labor/delivery nursing...

  4. BS in Electrical Engineering

  5. Judging from most of the stupid things we keep hearing, from Gore, Boxer and now Warner, i would say that my cat has about as much training in the field as anyone else.

  6. I have a masters degree in operations research and have spent my life working with large computer models.  But I knew nothing about climate change models until I started to hear from various countries how crops were failing and people who used to have a dependable agriculture were now back on the breadline and decided to study the subject.

  7. You don’t really expect to get the truth from these people do you?  Everyone in the group is a genius with credentials running out their ears. If they can spell it they can be it.

  8. I have a bachelor in mechanical engineering and a grad dip in computer science.

    Most people don't seem to know what mechanical engineering is.  People have asked me if I fix cars for a living, but of course I don't.  There is a lot of mathematics and physics involved in engineering.  

    I haven't used the computer science professionally, but it was a very intersting course which has taught me a lot about organising my ideas in systematic and logical ways.

  9. None.

    High School student who is looking into being some some of scientist to do with either the atmosphere or the environment.

  10. I've got a BA in astrophysics and MS in physics.  My graduate student research involved doing data analysis in the field of astrochemistry.  Mainly reducing data (extracting signal from the noise) and determining if any molecular absorption lines were visible.

    With regards to climate change, I've read much of the IPCC report, various scientific papers, I listen to what climate scientists have to say, and I've read several books on the subject.  I consider myself fairly well-informed on the subject.  More than 99% of the population, probably, but not an expert.

  11. An Associate Degree in Physical Education, a Bachelors Degree in Art History with a minor in Culinary Arts, a Masters Degree in Theology, a PhD in Metaphysics and a Class D Commercial Chauffer's license.  Plus my wife has bigger b***s than yours.

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