
What REALLY happened at Waco??? ?

by  |  earlier

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This is referred to a lot in films.............explain if you will....




  1. sure I'll take this one, it was a religious sect in wako texas that took a wrong turn when they believed the leader was the messiah and the DEA wanted it's leader but for some reason did not capture or arrest him while he was walking the streets in town so they said the cult was stockpiling weapons (true) and men were having s*x with underage kids (true) so the DEA/Gov't. got a warrant and invaded the compound at which point the cult locked themselves inside at which point the DEA/Gov't took them all hostage, men women and children and a long standoff ensued but in the end the DEA/Gov't. rushed the place and tryed to shoot/burn them out and then hide the evidence of their mistakes (pumped up wanna be soldiers with itchy trigger fingers) which cost many of the cult followers lives.

    I watched the whole thing live on CNN then by the afternoon the medias story changed and it was lies lies lies ever since from the media to cover up the fact that the

    Gov't fkd up.

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