
What REALLY keeps a man on his toes?

by  |  earlier

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a woman who doesnt sound too interested?

a woman not to clingy and needy?

a bright woman whos got her priorities in the right place and knows what she wants out of life?

... doing a study about 'what men really want' now a certain something must apply to all men out there, all men are the same in certain situations.. a little help for my study please!!




  1. be spontaneous, without warning put on a s**y outfit, leave a little note somewhere for him.

    Listen and be interested about his day at work

    be confident in yourself and love yourself

  2. What keeps me on my toes is just someone i can talk to about anything. Someone that i can understand and that can understand me. Sure you can be smoking hot or cute but whats that without personality> Looks is a definitely a plus for me. A woman who knows her priorities is really s**y also.

  3. His physical strengh.

  4. Most men i know would go for option 3, if you want to increase your study radius sent out a questionnaire, get some of your friends together an go into your nearest towns/cities and ask men direct, almost all will be happy to help you out, thats what i did and i got an enormous response

    good luck and let everyone know really what it is men want cos i know a lot of women who would die to know :)

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