
What Rabbit Breed Should I Get?

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Im getting a rabbit soon and I was wondering what breed would be best for a first time owner?






  1. Go by personality than breed

  2. Pretty much any rabbit you can get at a pet shop tbh.

    I had a dwarf lion head rabbit who thought he was a dog but as long as you handle them frequently and treat them right, any rabbit will be fine.

    I also had 2 dwarf lop eared but because they had the words "lop eared" in their name, they weren't so much "dwarf".

    Make sure you get them a big enough hutch to stretch out in and stand up in and a nice big run you can move around the garden.

    Don't give them things like cucumber or lettuce either.

  3. DOnt get one rabbit! It will be really bored when you arent there! Rabbits like to live in pairs, so go to your local rspca a see what they have. Then they are already used to people and are alot friendlier

  4. mini lop(Holland lop in USA) weighing at 1.5-2kg

    or Dwarf Lop (mini lop in USA) 2.5-3kg

    The weights vary depending on where you are (USA or UK)

    I suggest you go to a rescue centre rather than a pet shop. There are many rabbits needing new homes. Rabbits at rescue centres are checked for deformities and illness before you have the. At a pet shop the quality of the rabbits can vary meaning you may end up with a rabbit with for instance teeth deformities which is a common problem through bad breeding.

    I would use breeders also as a last resort if you cannot get one from a rescue.

    Netherland dwarf and polish dwarf rabbits can be very temperamental .

    Does and bucks, of any breed at maturity can become grumpy and does can become very aggressive if not neutered so this is something else to think about before purchasing any rabbit

  5. it doesnt matter that much but i hav to say my first rabbit was a dutch and he was perfect. smaller than a normal rabbit but larger than a lop he was beautiful and didnt eat me out of house and home. some breeds are cheaper, but i think mixed breeds are awesome, they are cheap and you spend so long wondering what they are-added entertainment. i have a rabbit which is half angora and half netherland dwarf!! small with lots of fluff.. have lots of fun with your new rabbit!!


  6. I recently got a new rabbit, he's a mini lop.  They are really docile and he loves being stroked.  Also, people always say that boys are easier to have for first time owners.  

    "They are very laid back rabbits, have excellent temperaments and do make wonderful house rabbits and companions. They love attention and  love to be picked up, cuddled and handled. They are also very easy to house train. They have short hair which is very easy to maintain. "

    Check out this website, it gives lots of information on different breeds of rabbits...

    Hope this helps. :)

  7. For my first rabbit i got a dwarf lop. It really depends on how much attention you will give them like wether you will be at work most nights. Dwarf Lops are realy cute i have a light brown one so i called it Fudge!

    Good Luck

    P.s: Get a dwarf lop!

  8. im getting a bunny 2 =]....I personally think netherland dwarfs are cute try you can see pet bunnys that live around you......--DONT BUY FROM A BREEDER WHEN YOU KNOW MILLONS OF PETS ARE DIEING EVERYDAY....ADOPT FROM A SHELTER =]--

  9. Lion head or Lop eared or a mix breed between them they are easy to look after i have two. My advise is to get two otherwise just one would get lonely

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