
What Really Happened to WTC 7?

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WTC 7 was not hit by an aircraft on 9-11 but the 47 story tall concrete and steel skyscraper "buckled" at the top, penthouse first, then came straight down into it's own footprints at free fall in a mere 6.5 seconds. This buidling was never even mentioned in the 9-11 Commission Report, and neither NIST nor FIMA have officially explained the collapse itself. So what really happened to WTC 7?




  1. Buildings all around the twin towers were damaged and several had to be totally demolished.  Falling debris really made a mess of the place.

  2. Just like the dying polar bears, it's Bush's fault. You're a fool

  3. THERE WAS NO 9/11 CONSPIRACY! Accept it, we were attacked by terrorists!

    Well, two 110 story buildings collapsed right next to it collapsed after hours of burning uncontrollably.

  4. The building was hit first by the shock of the nearby towers falling and then by the weight of the deb re falling on it.

  5. I take it, like most 911 wack-a-do's, you where not anywhere close to lower manahattan on Sept 11, 2001.

    I know that because if you had been and if you had witnessed the utter destruction caused by the collapse of the North and south towers, you wouldn't dream of making such moronic statements.

    Like most loons, you probably had never saeen the WTC up close, prior to 911 either. if you had, you would see very clearly how these two gigantic towers could possibly break a window or two on a builing it casts a shadow on.

    Me? I was there. I watched the collapse of one and two tear gaping holes into structures close by and heavily damages buildings blocks away. I watched the WTC 7 burn for hours and ran during one of the several false alarms before it finally did come down.

    Oh, BTW...47 stories is not a "skyscraper" Come to NY sometime...LOL

    Please, don't EVER let reality and facts get in your way. You just keep on reading the loony tunes sites. You just keep letting other people tell you how to think.

    How does that feel to not have an independent thought of your own?

    If you had independent thought, you would research your question, not listen to others propaganda, and you would see the mounds of evidence, facts etc pertaining to the collapse of the WTC towers.

    It always seems that those leading the conspiracy charge where not there. I know not one cop, fireman, ems person etc who was there on 911 who believes in this "conspiracy"

    But, following your logic...How did it come down?

    Was it pre-wired? if so, how did they do it with tens of thousands of people working there daily. Keep in mind, the destruction of the WTC would have taken Tons and tons of explosives, thousands of miles of Det cord. When exactly did they do this? Over lunch? LOL. I'm not even going to get into how when you control demolition the building, you have to take down massive amounts of internal building materials. I'm surprised nobody noticed the buiding being torn apart right in their office...LOL

    Not a single member of the dozens of Police agencies from the ATF, Secret Service and FBI to the NYPD, PAPD etc saw ANYTHING? What, where they all in on it?

    And...Who exactly did this? Certainly not the "dummy" Bush. He could pull this off, but couldn't plant WMD's in Iraq to shut the world up? That would be cake after the destruction of an occupied office complex in the heart of the worlds biggest city, under the noses of thousands.

    ANY idea how stupid you sound? Any?

  6. Wrong read on what the NIST had to say about WTC 7.

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