
What Religions or beliefs make more sense than others?

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Just curious what people think. I know, I know Atheists they're all crazy people however try thinking outside of the box on this one.

Like it's hard to believe in a man that we have never seen before in our lives, for me, however I can see why people would worship the Earth and Sun, since we can see and feel these things.

So what religions or beliefs seem to make more sense than others?




  1. christianity makes the most sense to me. their is so much (not just biblical, but historical) proof in documents, writings, buildings, everything. people have such a negative view on christianity that they will fall into other religions cause they dont feel like digging for the whole truth and just hop on the bandwagon with everybody else.

  2. I think the FRISBEETARIANS make the most sense.  After you die, your souls get lost on the roof like all those frisbee's you lost as a kid. Frisbeetarianism was founded by the Great Profit George Carlin in the mid 20th Century, so I know it must be true.  

  3. Atheism for one, is not a religion, so I will disregard it.  Unless the atheists regard Science as their god (lord knows they have enough faith in it alone to deny other logical possibilities).

    I find Christianity makes more sense than other religions, like Mormonism.

    Yes, I'm saying Mormonism =/= Christianity.  They're too different in their beliefs.  The only similarity I can see, on the surface, is that both believe in a Jesus, though I do not think the two are the same...

    Also, atheism, were it a religion, makes less sense to me than mormonism, from what I've seen of atheists and their statements.

    And believe me I've thought about it long and hard.  With Logic and Reason.

  4. Atheists are crazy?????  look up the word on and you will see a photo of a cross and the bible.

  5. Avoid any religions that believe in talking snakes.

  6. Buddism.

    And that's exactly why I hate it.

  7. non really! it depend on your understanding of it!

  8. Islam and Judaism. They both rely on reasoning.  

  9. You can't say which belief makes sense more than another, because; everyone's different.

    The Baha'i Religion is the Religion for me.  

  10.   All religions and many beliefs are on the same level

  11. people worship the sun and earth? now to me, thats crazy ! :S if theres no god how did this earth come to be? I dont believe much in organized religions and the catholic or christian faith since they've killed innocent people in the past and accuse muslims of being so bad when they themselves have shed innocent blood as well and try to make themselves seem so pure and good and holy. They are just believers of god by name and dont follow any of his teachings. My religion, i dont have one, i just believe in god and jesus and thats about it. I dont follow any books written by man.  

  12. atheism

  13. I think Taoists and Buddhism make the most sense out of all the other beliefs.

    Although it'd be fun to worship Kali. . . . she's a bada**.

  14. Taoism.

    Tao can be roughly stated to be the flow of the universe, or the force behind the natural order.

    Tao is believed to be the influence that keeps the universe balanced and ordered.

    Tao is associated with nature, due to a belief that nature demonstrates the Tao.

    And it's also one of the oldest beliefs in the world.  

  15. If you want my personal opinion, my religion makes the most sense, but you can't go off of that...find out for yourself.

  16. huhh

  17. Buddhism... still Atheist but follow some kind of path...

    I still do what I want.

    Any religion that believes in a god is absolutely ridiculous to me. Do what ever makes you happy because we will go in the ground and nowhere else.

  18. Christianity  I think, because of a principle of friendship and kindness, and   this religion make a present for us  of eternity, and a  life after death.

    Atheistic is also is a kind of religion ( believing) but it not give us a life, just  a death

  19. the religion of the person you're asking.

  20. I would have to say Buddhism

  21. Happyism.

  22. religion and all things connected to it are personal. so what religion makes perfect sense to me might be totally off the wall to you. follow your heart!

  23. Christianity. I personally think there's more evidence that supports the things Jesus did and just the Christian faith, then any other religion. And atheism just doesn't make sense to me, I have nothing against you guys (some of my friends are atheist). But I just don't see how you don't believe in anything. With evidence that there's spirits walking the earth and with all the miracles that have happened in this life, I just don't get it. And I don't get how you believe in the whole evolution, Big Bang theory thing. This world couldn't have just formed from nothing...there had to be something.

    But that's just my opinion.

  24. Christianity is the only religion that answers all the questions pertaining to true rightousness and holiness.


    Christianity is the only religion that correctly answers how mankind can be justified before an all seeing all holy God


    Christianity is the only way to God.


    consider that all religions except christianity are really just moral otherwords at certain times certain men saw that their culture were violent or sexual immoral or such like and said ok i got to try to fix this and for their day in their culture they tried to do what was doubt even with best intentions BUT they did not answer the root problem of sin which in turn causes disobedience to God and injustice to fellow mankind. Christianity answers that root problem of sin.


    The jews were given the oracles of God...Christianity is the fulfillment of it.


    I invite all readers to go on my profile and read some of my posts of answers for more information


    Jesus is the way

    Jesus is the truth

    Jesus is the life


    no other..


    ..none except Jesus

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