
What Rhymes with duck?

by  |  earlier

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I have to write a poem for english and i need the next line,

'Her annoying friends and their duck'

It has to rhyme with duck, any ideas come to mind?




  1. frock, mock, tuck, wack, quack, pluck,rock, c**k (the rooster)

  2. were all way down on their luck !

  3. Pluck!!!

  4. Luck, puck, pluck, chuck, muck, buck, tuck, cluck, shuck, suck, and another word I don't think I'll say.....

  5. really have bad luck...

  6. Good luck

  7. 'Not to mention that bratty kid Chuck.' How's that?

    Or maybe ' Got her _____ all covered in muck.' Put something in the dash.

  8. "Who's feathers they will not pluck"


  9. 'Her annoying friends and their duck

    give me the urge to hit and pluck'




  10. Her annoying friends and their duck

    is all what she's got for all her luck..

    how was that?

    Good luck anywayz ;D

  11. 'Her annoying friends and their duck'

    'Couldnt seem to pluck'

    'Her annoying friends and their duck'

    1. Pluck

    2. Smuck

    3. Chuck

    4. Luck

    5. Tuck

    6. Ruck

    7. Buck

    8. Muck

    9. Suck

    10. Yuck

    There is 10 for you . =]
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