
What SA YA contributors would you like over for dinner?

by Guest64568  |  earlier

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I'd like Bull's No 9, Alf Garnett, Cat, Conservation Chris, Cakes, Lise K, Ayiza, Innocentia, Emjay IV (To find out how rough a neighbourhood it really was that he grew up in).

I've already had the honour of having Vango over for a braai or six.




  1. All my contacts, the regulars such as Cakes, Blue Bull, Lisa, Heavy, Darth, Sins, Cat, Nay, Wonderstar, Styvies, Zim, Tshepo, Celine and Red to name a few, but everyone really

  2. Emjay, Lise K, Cakes and Inocentia.

  3. Hennie in a previous question you attacked the  Skyli for saying "woman" instead of "women" so shouldn't your question start will "Which"???

    To answer your question Id love to have Zim & Unathi & Inno & Fallen & Darth & Kopano & Pitso & cakes. Would love to taste one of her cakes.

    Oh & the General.

  4. Well I just had a lunch for 16 people today and it was a bit woes, but I would love to invite all of you over, really, even my "enemies" ....really! I would love to meet all of you and would also love for you to meet me and for you to see that I am what i am, nothing hidden about me but my real name! There is no particular individual I have a preference for but you all must know by now  that I really enjoy Bull, Turniton, Cakes and of course my favourite Alf Garnett, but all the others have their own personalities and peculiarities and I would love to meet every one, including like I said my enemies. Res you are very welcome too as well as all the old regulars like Ferrari, hd, Zim$, Inno, Ayiza ag all of you are welcome.

  5. HD, Lisa K and Zim$

  6. I would basically like to have each one of the regulars over for dinner.  Just that I would not like to have them here all at once.  I prefer smaller groups, so it would have to be a week full of dinner parties.  I would also like to invite all the trolls to see if they can have the courage to be as cheeky and nasty to my face as they are when hiding behind their avatars.

  7. Still trying to find my feet here, but I would invite Cakes, so we can exchange recipes. Cat, so I can give her some advice on those two kitties of her and of course to show off mine. Cheri to lighten the mood when the political talk gets too much. I'd invite Alf Garnett, Darth Vader and you to keep my hubby company. He would especially get along well with Alf.

  8. Emjay IV, Conservation Chris, Cakes, Lise K, s****., Pixel/ DarkOne, Zim, redhead, Cheri, Inno.... you know what I'd actually like you all to come!!!


    Thank - you T.I...!!! You are welcome for a baai, anytime and you Res, your not alone!!

  9. It looks like I will have to have dinner alone! I can live with that.

  10. Cakes, Lise K, Innocentia, Zim, Heavy D, Cheri, Jovvijo, Bull's No 9 and Alf Garnett. I think that this blend will make for one really great evening

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