
What SERBS did wrong to Albright?

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Did you know that Albright was hidden in SERBIA -because SERBS had protected JEWS from n**i's-for two months in Vrnjacka Banja by one SERB family?

Madeleine Albright spent much of her childhood in Belgrade, both before and after the war. Her father was Czechoslovak ambassador to Belgrade after the WW II




  1. They protected her and gave her shelter?

    That proved to be a crime against humanity, a posteri.

  2. She wasn't the only one who was saved by Serbs.

    Unlike her, there are 500 american pilots from WW II that are grateful:

  3. You people from Balkan's will never learn, will you? Just because you know somebody, is the mentality, I can do what ever I want. Get contrats, get away with murder, it does not work like that. I met this girl in Macedonia and she was like "I know all the important figures and judges if you want Macedonian citizenship I'll have for you in a week". The western and civilized world is not Yugoslavia, and their laws are made on principals of right and wrong no matter who you are, not personal relationships and who you know. Madeleine Albright had a job to do and did it well no matter how soft of a spot she may have had for the Serbian people. Besides it was the same Serbian people that supported Milosevic and they needed a rude awakening.

  4. I wonder why you ask. Did you expect her or her kind to have a sense of greatfulness?

    Don't you realize that the ones who suffered the holocuast and were expected to be human and compassionate fro this reason are commiting a new holocaust against Palestinians?

  5. President Clinton and Secretary of State Madeleine Albright set the stage for the catastrophe in Kosovo. If there were a Nobel Prize for ineptitude in diplomacy, they would be its joint recipients.

    Doing a bad imitation of Vito Corleone at Rambouillet, Albright told the Serbs she would have either their signatures or their brains on the peace accord.The deal they were told to accept, or else, involved immediate autonomy for Kosovo and a three-year transition toward unspecified goals, supervised by NATO troops. It didn't take a genius to see that the transition would be to independence.

    And it was reflected in the belief at the State Department that when airstrikes began Milosevic would probably back down after a few visible targets were hit.How wrong !

    She was a spirit of the humanitarian and strategic catastrophe in Serbia.

    State Department officials dispute the notion that Kosovo is "Albright's war" : in history her name will stay as synonim for Spiritual Patron Of The Disaster In Kosovo.

    * * * * * * * *

    And just for fun and a genuine smile on your faces, here is a true story:

    Secretary of State Madeleine Albright was mistaken for a maid during last year’s peace negotiations for Kosovo in Rambouillet, France. According to a report in the "New York Daily News," the Secretary of State at first wasn’t recognized by the Albanian delegation when she walked into their room.

    “One member of the delegation, who didn’t realize who she was, and probably thinking she was some cleaning lady because it was after midnight, simply said to her, ‘Give us five minutes and please go away,’” recalled Albanian diplomat Dugagjin Gorani in War on Europe, a British TV program. Instead, Albright exploded in rage, swearing at the group, according to the reports.

    “Mrs. Albright started using explicit language which the translators never could translate into Albanian,” says Veton Surroi, another member of the delegation.

  6. Madeleine Albright is not less Jew than the American Jews of Ruder Finn who compared Serbs to n***s, in order for USA to claim their political interests on the Balkans.

    Money is money, American Jews are American Jews.

  7. There's a Chinese proverb that says: "Why are you repaying me with such hatred when I didn't do anything good to you?" freely interpreted as the need in people to return a good deed in a perverted, evil way. The Serbs probably remind her of who she was and since she's suffering from a superiority complex, she hates it when people know her weaknesses.

    And of course, there's her dark side that's obviously not initiated or conditioned by external events.

    One look at her is enough. I don't like personal insults as they seem to be the weapon of those who run out of arguments, but I have to say she looks evil. She's certainly not a credit to the female gender. Women should be focused on creating and supporting life, not destroying it.

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