
What SHOULD I DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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there is this new girl at my school.she came from the caribbean and we've become very close friends.but i think she's inlove withe our teacher.she's kinda weird lol.she looks at him all the's so obvious.he even looks at her and she still looks at him.she even hit's on him.she very pretty too and i think he likes he back.i saw them holding ahnds once.she showed me this nasty letter she wrote for him.she actually gave it to him.he did'nt report her cause they flirt more than ever.

i want to report them but i'm not sure for sure they are doing it.what should i do?




  1. Keep it to yourself.  If you really want to talk about it, talk to her about it, but don't make her uncomfortable.

    The way I see it, she is at the age of consent(at least in my state) so it is her choice.  Leave her be, she'd like you better for it.

    Remember, if you are wrong about this, your reporting it will have some serious consequences.  Not only would the teacher have his life pretty much ruined, your friend would be humiliated.  If anything make sure that you protect her, that is, if you really like her.

  2. that's nasty.

  3. mind your own business your jealous

  4. Dont blackmail, she will hate you ,but im sure some 1 will tell, how old r they?

    ok... disgusting old man.. forget her! she looking for an hairy beast! shes proply fancies him.

  5. blackmail and get better grades

  6. "Lets Put a Smile" that is a ridiculous answer.

    Just go to an adult and tell them of your suspicions, but be sure you are clear that they are only suspicions. The adult will help you decide what you should do. If the student and teacher are really involved, then you will have done the right thing by telling someone.

    Good luck!

  7. Use the chain of command in place at the school. That is, start with the first person above you, and then proceed.

    You should first approach a school counselor or trusted teacher with this information. If that person does not offer to act, you should discuss it with the vice-principal or principal of the school.

    If something is going on between them, the school superintendent may need to get involved, but that would be a decision for the principal to make.

    The teacher may end up being charged and hit with some heavy penalties:

    Not being allowed to teach minors anymore or work where minors are present

    Being required to register as a s*x offender

    Not being allowed to use a computer at work that is connected to the Internet or to own a computer with an Internet connection.

    Not being allowed to live within a certain boundary around public schools or other locations where minors gather regularly.

    Perhaps an anonymous note with this information could be sent to the girl so she knows what she might be risking for the teacher. Although, he's the adult, so the responsibility for proper behavior lies with him.

  8. report them, even if there not doing ;it; its abuse. your teacher knows better. please report this.this will save your friend alot of it now. if you dont want to for heaven sakes tell an your concelor or mom. send a letter to the principle through the mail'. there is no telling how many girls, he has abused. thats what they do , get employment where they can be around you.girls. beleive me , he playing with her emotions. he probally has a wife,and 5 kids. do the right thing please.i dont care the age ,being a teacher comes with responsibilites.

  9. It sounds to me like your teacher would only want her for one thing and one thing only, I don't think he is in love or anything and this can ruin her life, in the remote case that she got raped, or pregnant, how would you feel when i's too late, I would say try talking to the guy, see if he's just inmature or a perv, if he doesn't seem trustworthy then you should report him.

  10. Just tell what you know and tell them you want to be anonyomous. Leave it up to the school to figure out.

  11. Are you saying this because you're jealous, or has all this really happened? Before you can report anything, I think you need some concrete evidence.Or another witness to verify what you say is true. Did anyone else see them holding hands? If you have another witness, then you and the other person should speak to the principal about it.

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