

by  |  earlier

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so my parents are going through teacher took me in to stay with him and his family for the summer.i help them with everything srpund the hpuse.his children are very nice and so was his he was talking to me one night and then we hugged eachother.she came in and saw us but he did'nt mean anything cause his hand was still around me.she gave me this when he went to work she started calling me names.she called me a **** sucking hoe and i need to go spread my legs for someone who wants me.she also called me a ****** (they are white).she spread a rumor that i wanted her husband to sleep with me.and my parents who does'nt really give a sh(it) beat the h**l out of me when i decided to get out from the woman's house.

the teacher has been calling my parents for ever but they won't answer.

so my question is what did i do and should i tell her husband what she did or just move to a diffrent school when school opens?




  1. if  you did nothing wrong then go talk to the husband .

  2. Tell her husband that she thinks you are sleeping together. Then move out.

  3. I don't think telling the teacher is going to solve anything, it is doubtful he will leave his crazy wife and kids just because she was cruel to you. If I were you try and find a situation that you will be safe in, maybe another friends house, or an aunt or grandparent you trust. You can also go to CPS and get placed in foster care if you are really in a bad place at home. I'm sorry this happened, and it was cruel to treat a child in need this way. I am also concerned that you are naive and that maybe your teacher was taking advantage of you, and the wife sensed that when you didn't. Obviously her reaction was wrong, but it makes me wonder. Good luck, keep your head up. Soon you'll be an adult and you will be able to control most of your ongoings, and make a safe calm living for yourself. I can't stress this enough, but make getting good grades the highest priority you possibly can, it will make the difference between a lifetime of struggle or a life of comfort and ease. Really. Good luck.

  4. TELL HER HUSBAND! That is very inappropriate behavior for an adult. If you did nothing wrong then you have no reason to hide the truth! You need to find somewhere else to stay in the meantime. You can't stay in an abusive home. What state do you live in, I will try to find some resources to help you. My email is


    Why in the HECK would someone give me a thumbs down for my answer? You have got to be kidding me!

  5. tell her husband your not in the wrong she is

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