
What SHOULD I do after graduating from college with a BSc in economics?

by Guest56089  |  earlier

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I know that economics is such a flexible degree to have. It is so versatile that a graduate of it will have plenty of career options to choose from (i.e. government, academe, business, etc). However, the same versatility of econ makes it difficult for the graduate to choose from many career options.

I am a very social person that's why careers in the government , academe, and business don't appeal to me that much. They will just make me either sit in front of a computer, teach in a class then do research (which requires sitting in front of the computer), or just calculating a huge chunks of numbers. What do you suggest that I do?




  1. If you're as social as you say you are, then a career in gov't or education sounds perfect for you.  You would meet and speak with a variety of people every day.  If you want lots of money, be an actuary, as drone as it sounds.  Good luck!

  2. a)  If I were in your shoes I would try to get an internship with a major Wall Street trading firm like Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, et al.  I would also start working on your MBA.  I know kids under 30 who pull down BIG bucks.

    b)  I would do what made me happy, find a way to make money at it and start my own business.

    Judging by your second paragraph, it sounds like you are leaning towards something in bussiness as opposed to government.  I would recommend business over governement every time.

  3. The Wall Street Firms only take people from Ivy League Schools with MBAs. If your John Doe from some no name school, you won't get in on Wall Street. 'Cept maybe as a pee-on stock broker trading shares for grandma's 401k.

    Your Degree in Economics will get you a job at a High School teaching Economics. Thats about it.. Hope you don't have any loans to repay. Cause teachers make jack squat.

    James Dimon - JP Morgan:

    Mr. Dimon is a graduate of Tufts University and received an MBA from Harvard Business School.

    John Thain - Merrill Lynch:

    Mr. Thain received an M.B.A. from Harvard University and a B.S. degree from Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

  4. I'd throw that "BS" degree in the garbage and go back to school for a real education.

    Try science, engineering, teaching, medicine or any other career that would actually contribute to society.

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