
What SHOULD the human population of the planet be?

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About 1000 years ago, it got up to 1 billion.

About 100 years ago it reached 2 billion.

By 50 years ago - almost 4 billion.

Now we're fast approaching 7 billion.

In 40 years, we're looking at 9-12 billion.

So, considering that for every human on the planet, we increase our impact on the environment that much more, what should our goal be for how many humans are on the planet?




  1. Well your reasoning is right on.  

    We would have overwhelmed the planet with people had not Noah's flood wiped out the billions on the planet over 4,000 yrs. ago.

    Since I know there will be NO more world wide flooding, God will manage the end of it all with FIRE.

    Seems we are already managing the number of humans via abortion and euthanasia.  What more do you want?

  2. I think we will destroy China because they have the most people.

    I'm only kidding!

    I think they will start making higher taxes on kids so we won't want to have like 6 kids.  I think the average family should have 2 - 3 kids.  But once you reach 5, you should smack yourself.

  3. As long as we can sustain it. The planet could probably hold trillions in a couple thousand years.

  4. its got to be at least half of what it is at the moment and the global leaders know this!

    I wonder whats really in store for humanity because one way or another we are heading for a catastophe!

  5. It depends on how many wars the republicans expect to initiate in the coming years!

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