
What SUV should I get?

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I do not have money problems




  1. First of all, the range rover sport looks amazing. BUT, they have so many problems. One of my friends has one and it has been in the shop longer than he has been able to drive it. It is a great SUV but when the warranty is up he is screwed so if it is a SUV that you are planning on having for awhile i would not suggest it. Then we have the cayenne. The cayenne turbo has to be one of my favorite SUV's because it isa very fast but yet it is also very luxurious. It handles like you would expect a porsche to but it also has a magnificent ride. I have personally looked at buying an X6 and they are amazing, i am probably going to have to buy one. But, you need to test drive one because they are not for everyone. They are a bit odd when you are sitting in it,and it would take a while to get used to the shifting aspect. The Audi Q7 is also an amazing SUV, it is on the same chasis as the VW Toureg just with more features. The Q7 looks good and Audi is very good with Warrantys but i personally do not like the car. Also even though you did not mention it i figured that i would mention it. Since you are not seeming to be concerned about money i would suggest also the Mercedes Benz Ml63 AMG, it will have the speed of the Porsche, the handling of the BMW, and the warranty of the Audi all wrapped up in a nice package. Hope this was of some use to you, and good luck.

  2. I'd get a Lincoln Navigator if I had money to throw away on a vehicle. If you want sporty, go for a Porche SUV, or maybe a BMW X5.

  3. The Cayenne, Q7 and VW toureg actually all share the same platform. They're all a part of VW corp, so its just a personal choice on that one.

    The X6 is unreliable, and many people have had transmission problems with it- STAY AWAY.

    If i were you, i'd go with a Q7. The rear end of it has a more contrasting look than the Cayenne's, while the interior still offers high end class (not to mention its uberly fun to drive)

  4. Get the Q7

    I think it is the best option because its more versatile than the others. It has cargo room, passenger room, great safety rating without compromising on the sporty look.

  5. Chevy Tahoe, very reliable and luxurious if you pick the right one.

  6. get a RAV4
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