
What Season are spirits more active?

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So.... People tell me Winter, Some people tell me Summer, Some say Fall and Some Say Spring? Well your opinion and why do you say this? i have my opinion whats yours ?

Happy Holidays

Ryan ~Paranormal Investigator/Researcher~




  1. It is said that the veil between the worlds is at it's thinest on the solstices and equinoxes, and especially at Samhain.

  2. the season of the witch? really, theres no particular seasn

    Just winter is spent with longer times indoors and longer nightsummer your outdoors more and the days are longer so you spend less time concentrating. I say you get more day time hauntings, I get my best evidence during the day. I have some very interesting stuff from the day, very little from night. winter the house snaps bangs and creaks from the hot and cold, springs it does the same from damp rainy weather. you pick it.

  3. Hello

    Spirit have no sesson, they are equally active in general all the time.


  4. Since it is my opinion that spirits don't exist objectively beyond those who perceive them, it's really up to how active the imagination is.  I would say it has less to do with the time of year as it does the time of day.

  5. Can't say there is a particular "season" as opposed to possibly a few certain days out of the year. It also depends on what is going on around them.

    Construction and the like really bother them so they tend to get 'active'.

  6. Hi,Ryan!! I see you're up too.! (I'm baking a turkey!!) I think it depends on which season the spirits liked best when they were in their bodies. I think Angels probably like Christmas and Easter best.That's just what I think. They didn't tell me that. At least those are the times I think I would come back and hang out.(Unless of course all my family had crossed over.)

  7. I think maybe you're talking about Ghosts, because they can interact with the world easier when it is colder and wet: this plane is more conductive to spirit energy then.

    However, those Souls who are not "earth bound", those who are fully aware of themselves, can call into their experience any type of season they can think of.

    Our loved ones, our spirit guides, and our Angels do tend to gather around this time of year, not because of the season, but because it is when their loved ones in this realm get together and celebrate. Spirit tends to gather around areas where they feel strong connections of love and giving. This energy strengthens their ability to come into this dense vibration of physical existance. So, beyond the paranormal curiosity, maybe you could pay attention, be aware of your own loved ones who are wanting to communicate to you and tell you they're still around. And they love you and can't wait till you return home.

  8. mary christmas ryan

    i dont really think there would be a particular season, unless the spirit visited on an anniversary to their loved one....ive mostly had run in,s with someone that died, say months after their death...apart from that i think they just happen randomly

    EDIT..hey NUFF long time no see, you know what, thats exactly what i think, and proberly know, more gets picked up in the day...nearly everytime, i have seen something, its usually with the lights on, when its night, then during the day also......

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