
What Sentence Should A Killer Get

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life behind bars???

10 years???

maybe being banned from the pub for life??

what do you think




  1. the man in that story has dementia, this is a horrible disease and can make a person do things without even realising theyre doing it. I dont think putting him in jail makes anything any better, but he does need medical help. Its just a very sad story i think.

    To answer your question on a more general case, then life behind bars, because i dont agree with the death penalty

  2. If he has been diagnosed with dementia why was this case brought to court, he should be in a secure place receiving treatment

  3. this old drunk needs a hanging i dont know what the judge was thinking but he just let this old drunk walk away free from justice even if hes that sick a hanging is the cure for the family

  4. who ever the person hurt, I think the victims families should be allowed to kill them painfully and slowly!!!!!

    Life should mean life!

  5. Who knows at what stage his demetia was when he committed this crime. It is a terrible thing. I thought you were kiddng when you said banned from the pub.

    I just don't know without all the facts.

    It is such a hard one this one.

    In other cases bring back the death penalty. I will pull the trigger, the chain, switch what have you for free.

    What use are killers etc to society.

    Get rid of them they only cost us money keeping them in prison .

    I have no sympathy for them they cease to be a human being when they commit such henious crimes in most cases.

  6. Death. Fair enough, he can't go to jail due to his dementia, but surely death would be more suitable? After all, it's better than him 'losing his mind'.

  7. death but I'm from Texas  

  8. The man suffers from dementia made worse by alcoholism.  I feel that the judge should have sentenced the man to life in prison.  Today, they have special areas in prisons for people suffering from Alzeiheimers because the prison population is aging and they are starting to see this illness more often.  I don't think just restricting him to his home is punishment enough.

  9. I've always been for solitary confinement.  I think it's inhumane to kill others, and it's hypocritical.  I agree with Ghandi that if you go by an eye for an eye then the whole world will be blind.

    Solitary confinement seems like a good solution.  The only thing the prisoner is stuck with is his/her own mind.  That would be torture for most people, even non-criminal "sane" people.

    Just a quiet dark room away from everything, with a simple bed, a simple toilet, a simple sink, and cheap healthy food pushed through the door a couple times a day like beans and rice.

  10. Alcohol induced dementia, so he should be placed in a dementia unit.

    I do find it strange that he killed his wife because she wouldn't give him money for booze & he does remember how to go to the pub.

  11. Death. Preferably in the same manner in which they killed their victims.

  12. I actually think the judge made a good common sense decision here for once. I cant see the point of giving an elderly man suffering with dementia a life sentence.

    Dementia IS a life sentence.

  13. i think the judge's sentencing solution is excellent.  the punishment is undoubtedly very severe to this man, who became enraged enough to kill when deprived of money to go drinking at the pub. going to the pub for a drink and the company of others was undoubtedly the high point of his day. he's 74, physically and mentally impaired...and can't go to the pub for a drink with his mates to forget the sorrows of the world for a wee bit. the punishment fits the crime, is appropriate for the offender, and saves the citizens the cost of his 24/7 upkeep.  

  14. Being banned from your local is a fate worse than death

  15. Forced hospitalization, so he can receive treatment, and be in a secure environment where they can be sure he will not hurt himself or others.

  16. I think the sentence is ridiculous.  This man has shown that he is dangerous and cannot be trusted free in society.  Normally I would say life in prison but because of the dementia I think he should be confined to a locked mental health facility.  That way he can get care and the public is kept safe.  Who knows if he could snap again and maybe shoot the neighbor over some minor argument.  Better to be safe than sorry.

  17. In this case he should be evaluated to the level of his dementia.  The true diagnosis for what he has is called Organic Brain Syndrome, it is a form of dementia brought on by drugs or alcohol.  I fell he needs to be placed in a secure IE lock down unit in a facility that treats that kind of disorder.  In other cases it depends if they had planned to murder the person or persons,  how the crime was committed and what the persons mental state is.  A person who plans a very cruel slow death, yes they deserve the death penalty.  If it was an accident depending on why and how it happened, 20 years to life.   If they are mentally unstable they should be placed in a mental hospital.  In cases of dementia those cases need to be examined by a medical professional to see what level of dementia they have.  I think it depends on what happened and why.  I think drunk drivers need life if they hurt someone much less kill someone.  That is a choice.  I have watch the criminal justice system let people be charged with a first time DUI until someone gets hurt or killed.  Punish them before they kill or hurt someone.  This is just my opinion.

  18. Well said Viper

    Dementia is a illness that is irreversible and makes people have no control over themselves, both mentally and physically

    Why was this lady left alone to care for her husband in these circumstances

    That's the question to be asked  

  19. this guy should gety a medal, he did what most of us don't have the guts to do.

  20. i would have put him in a secure unit, and for the judge to actually say that by going to the pub this would annoy her relatives is completely and wholeheartedly insensitive. I would actually hope that the f cuker goes soon, he killed her because she wouldn't give him any money to go to the pub. This wasn't a mercy killing but a vile act of a spiteful man

    Freya is spot on he knows enough to go to the pub everyday

  21. Death penalty the sentence or punishment should be worse than the crime tho these days you would prob get 3yrs and a bit of therapy

  22. a life for a life  

  23. In fairness you should mention he suffers from dementia and doesn't understand where he is, who he is, or what's going on.

  24. Death sentence

    It's the only way

  25. A life for a life. Yeah - the old guy may have dementia but he sure as h**l knows when the bloody pub opens, closes and more to the point -WHERE IT IS! Selective or what? I feel sorry for anyone with this disease - my Mum suffered it.  But it is NO excuse for killing a person and the sentence should have reflected that.

  26. It all depends on the circumstances surrounding the killing:

    1). If a person kills in order to defend himself/herself, a relative or property, then I call it self-defense and see no reason for penalty,

    2). If a person kills out of malice, rage or negligence, then the law allowed penalty for the settled crime should be exercised,

    3). If a person kills due to known and verified illness, then such a person should be handled based on his/her health conditions - if it is verified that the person suffers from dementia, for example, then he/she should be in a guarded environment were he/she can be helped -

    If, however, a person alleges insanity or temporary insanity, then I strongly urge that he/she be looked up in some properly run mental institution, where he/she can receive help and remain for life, even if he/she is later declared sane. I do not recommend that anyone who has plead insanity in a murder case be released into the mainstream public: Just how do we know that there would not be an encore or that someone may have merely used a system to eliminate another?

  27. AGreat Man Once Said If someone slaps you be kind to him offer your other cheek. Like so if you wanna protest go on a strike .All these  and many more strong views sadly were said under a different context and obviously had no time frame .... unfortunatly even today the same tools are used and people protest for the wrong reason ......but when important issues are to be addressed  the machienery in place is such that we have the same culprit who has been to prison a number of times and he only becomes famous and  his net worth is increased maybe some day he can dream of fighting in the House of commons or be a land Don et all.

    My final word - fear is the key wrong doers or those who want to do something bad should siver & think thrice before about the after effects in case they are brought to book the old ways of public stoning to death and being shot like a dog on a highway seem to me like the ideal ways to circumvent the issue until such time the proper forces are not deployed to face the situation without any obligation or constraint.

    An eye for an eye what do you think  ,,, far cry ?

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