
What Shakespear poem is this from:"I asked to a scholar, the difference that had between love and friendship

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I translated this from Portuguese and want to find the correct translation. This is what I came up with:

I asked to a scholar, the difference that had between love and friendship, it said this truth to me…The love is more sensible. The friendship more insurance. The love is the ones of the wing. The friendship the soil. In the love it has more affection. In the friendship understanding. The love is planted and with cultivated affection. The friendship comes happy with exchange of joy and sadness, becomes a great good fellow. But when the love is sincere it comes with a great friend. And when the friendship is concrete, it is full of love and affection. When a friend has itself or a great passion, both feelings coexist inside of its heart. William Shakespeare




  1. why are you asking a question about shakespeare NOBODY likes him

  2. That is good enough.

  3. Shakespeare wouldn't have been so verbose & well, dull about the explanation -- I think that you're making this up, and trying to sound more weighty.

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