The Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers meet at the Delta and a big canal sends much of the water there to Los Angeles, about 400 miles to the South..
The smelt, salmon and other fish are dying and may become extinct. The current suspect poison is city sewage with Ammonia, a by product of water purification.
The Peripheral Canal was proposed to by-pass the Delta, let the fish rot and send more water south. It was voted down a few years ago but, this plan is currently being promoted.
One alternative is Desalinization another is water recycling, already being used, after mixing it with aquifer water near Los Angeles with plans to increase its volume.
Bringing Columbia River water was considered but ruled out long ago.
Global Warming produces earlier snowmelt from the Sierra Nevada every year. This provides faster water flow in Summer months. There are old plans to enlarge Shasta and Vagueros Dams to double capacity but has not been done.
Any suggestions?