
What Should Change in the Time/Space Continuum?

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  1. Nothing

    Space-time is a static construct that contains the entire history (past and future) of the universe.  We are carried through it by time, so that at any instant, we see a 3-D "cross-section" of the 4-D space-time continuum.

    It is a bit like a graph showing the altitude of a ball, in relation to time.  The graph itself is static: it shows the entire path of the ball (at least its altitude), for the entire time interval.

    At any specific second, the graph shows the altitude of ball for that specific second (a one-dimension "cross-section" of the 2-dimension graph).

    In reality, because space-time is a mathematical construct, there does not really exist a "thing" that some 4-D entity could see in its entirety (the way we can see the entire graph showing the path of the ball: past and future).

  2. My position in it. Anywhere habitable except here will do nicely. Other humans stink on ice.

  3. Mankind. As a species, it should be stopped from ever taking root.

    At one point we lived a symbiotic relationship with the world but now we have become a parasitic one. We destroy everything we touch and consume everything and return nothing.

    Mankind should be stopped from ever advancing. Leave the world to those that live in harmony with it.

  4. nothing! if one was able to do such a thing, even if you were to change the smallest thing, it could cause cataclysmic consequences...

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