
What Should I Bring On A Cruise?

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I'm going on a cruise in september and i need to no what to bring i been on one before but i didnt pack this time im goin to pack my own stuff please help im going on it for 7 days and on a new boat and im going with friends and some of my family like be spicfic as possible please and please help me?




  1. It all depends where you're going, as well as your point of departure.

    How could you ask that question, and omit that information?

  2. Bring a smile, a camera, and a few changes of clothes. You will have a great time.

  3. The cruises in September can be to Alaska, Caribbean, Hawaii, we would need to know more info.  But here's a really good source of info:  There's packing lists according to the climate (cold vs warm).

    Basically, make sure you bring any meds (I always need antihistimine) as there's a limited variety in the ships' stores, and even then, pretty expensive.  I would also bring Draminine or ginger (Target carries ginger flavored Altoids) just in case; but try out at home first.

    Check the website for your cruiseline to see what the dress code is.  You may want to go to the dining room on formal night, which often you can wear a cocktail dress or long dress.  Most cruiselines frown on jeans in the dining rooms at dinner but often has a casual buffet if you don't feel like dressing to the dress code.

    I also bring guidebooks for the destinations.  If you like to read, a cruise is a relaxing time to take out the chick lit books and plop on a deck chair.  Also bring sunscreen -- a must.  Even if you're going to Alaska.  And certain places require bug repellent.

  4. don't forget the snorkel gear from'll save you a bundle.

  5. Anti-nausea medication, seasickness pills.  A barf bag.

    A scarf, because the wind blows the c**p out of your hair.

    Flat, sturdy shoes because the last cruise I went on, the boat rocked like crazy and sometimes it wasn't easy keeping your footing.

    A good sweater, because it gets chilly, especially with the wind.

    Comfortable shoes, because you walk miles around one of those huge boats, just to go from your cabin to eat dinner.  Assuming you feel like eating anything.

    Sun tan lotion.

    Very secure and hide-able bags/purses/etc to hide your possessions and keep them safe, especially if you dock and go sight seeing on land somewhere.

    Anti-bacterial lotion for your hands, because germs spread fast on a ship.

    Keep your ID and some cash separate from your purse, just in case.

    And maybe a compass and a canteen of water in case you fall overboard. :)

    Have fun!  As long as you aren't going on a carnival cruise, it'll probably be a good one.

  6. The things that you need to take are pretty simple.  First you should take your normal toiletries.  Every 7-day cruise has two formal nights when its your option to dress formally, a tux for men and a long dress for women. So take those clothes if you want to do that. Formal is optional and many people just year dress up clothes but not formal stuff.

    Take comfortable walking shoes. It you want to use the gym, take gym clothes. There are always pools and jacuzzis, some outside, some indoors, so take swim wear; two or more sets if you are going to the caribbean and will do beaches.  If you are going to Alaska, take clothes that you can layer, like long sleeves, sweater, jackets and it will be cold when you egt to the glaciers so take gloves and a hat.  If you are going to the Caribbean be sure to take sun screen and if you snorkle and have your own equipment, take it with you; and bring extra swim wear.

    The dress on ships during the day is casual; shorts, sandals, T-shirts all day until 6:00PM when they request that all guests wear "Sports Casual". A good definition of sports casual is what you would wear to a business off; not coat and tie, but a shirt with a collar and long pants. You can still wear casuals stuff for the gym or the pool areas, but its sports casual for all of the public areas like dining rooms, restaurants, show rooms, and the casino.

    If you are going to Europe, especially Spain and Italy, you need to beware of pickpockets.  So go to a store like Target and get one of the pouches that you can put your money in and wear under your clothes.

  7. Casual clothes for the day: shorts, tank tops, Capri's

    Casual and dressy for the evening: sundresses, dress pants, dress tops, etc.

    Bathing suits: at least 2

    Light jacket or sweater

    Comfortable shoes/tennis shoes

    One pair of dressy shoes

    Flip flops

    Beach or Book bag/backpack







    books or magazines



    laundry detergent: Wash your clothes before you go home.  It's easier to unpack clean clothes and put them away.  You can get travel sized Tide at Target.

    Quarters for laundry

    Any prescribed medications, as well as over the counter, bandaids, cotton, etc.

    I hope this is helpful.  I tried to think of all the things that I normally take when I cruise.

    Have a great time!

  8. You didn't say where you were going and what type of cruise it is.

    I know on an Alaskan cruise I went on, we had a formal dinner one night and needed to be dressed up.  I also went on a cruise around Tahiti and needed to be dressed up one night.

  9. bathing suit, dress clothes, good walking shoes, casual clothes, toiletries, sea sickness pill, your identification  Everything else is provided.

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