
What Should I Do About A Stolen Idea?

by  |  earlier

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Me and some friends have been working on a comic book series for a while. We take time to develop ideas for our individual characters. Recently, i came up with a great idea for my character, and suddenly my friend is using something very similar out of jealosy. Help on what to do?




  1. Make something even better and keep shush about it. Or tell him to cut the fluff and get his own ideas.

  2. beat his *** and teach him about truth justic and the america way.if that doesnt work do it again lol

  3. stab the dude!!!

  4. steal it back. no, i mean create a new character and dont tell him about it. this new character has to be superior than the stolen character. after he has presented the stolen character to every one, surprise them with your new character. my point is, get a new idea but never tell it to that theif.

  5. First off I would be more selective with whom you would consider your "friend".  

    Second, I would copyright all your artwork, and notes, not because I think it will stop your friend from going forward with your idea but it will give you something to argue in a court of law if ever this "idea" gets to market and serious money starts getting made.

    But since the cat is out of the bag and the idea is out you should beat your friend to the punch and get this comic book series out before your "friend" does.  To be honest, you cannot make him unlearn your idea and if he is going to be a real d**k he is going to try to make it his own anyway.

    I wouldn't sweat this, ideas, especially story ideas for comic books or movies are often the same stories re-hashed and re-named anyway.   Just in the future, be more aware of the integrity of your friends.  

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