
What Should I Do Between These Two???

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I Have To Choose Between Doing Mechanical Manufacturing Engineering In College Or An Apprenticeship In A Barber Shop...

Which One Should I Do, I Think I Know Which One I'm Gonna Choose But I Wanna Know What You Would Do

Thanks =D

Much Love x*x




  1. an apprentice in a barber shop is a good idea.  as long as you're truely interested in the work and it's not just another option.  it's always great to have a trade.  if you're just out of school it will give you a break from academia and studying for a while, and plus you know that you'll always have a skill to fall back on if you find it difficult to get into the world of manufacturing after college.  the other reason i would say it would be a good idea to do that first is because the college course will always be there, but apprenticeships are not always easy to find.

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