
What Should I Do? Need answers please

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I think I am in love, I told this girl i liked her a couple of months ago and she wasn't interested in a relationship (not just me anyone) but anyway I have fallen in love with her and now she is going out with someone and I don't know what to do either not do anything or tell, I dunno anymore

Well I honestly do love her, I have had girlfriends in the past and this is different

and I talk to her every single day

she also said that she felt bad coz she said that she didn't want a relationship and then now shes going out with this guy and she could say no to him or brake it off

when she said she could say no to this guy I said she shouldnt have to give up a guy just because I like her

Well she wasnt interested in a relationship at that time with anyone




  1. Well, ask yourself if you truly want her. Give it some time. If you feel that she cant reciprocate your feelings, then i would say move on. But if you are really determined, then just stay 'freinds' with her, and see how it goes. It will be painful i must say, but then this is the only way i can suggest you can find out.

    If you feel you cant get hurt, then buddy, you got to move on!!

    hope this helps!

  2. just tell her u luv her to bits

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